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Newspaper Archive of
Arkansas Catholic
Little Rock, Arkansas
October 30, 1937     Arkansas Catholic
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October 30, 1937
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THE GUARDIAN, OCTOBER 30, 1937 Page Flv Parish i00ber, Dies ROck, Oct. 23.--James T. 0ok, a lifelong and active I' of the Cathedral parish 'lWell-known business man lvie leader of Little Rock tst 40 years, died at the : his daughter, Mrs. M.aJ. f, 5231 Sherwood Ro d, Y evening. 1hi)Patently suffered from a !ttack during the night and Vil0000.ay in his slocp. Mr. ok had spent the previous [his business and appeared best of health. A lit- X a year ago, he suffered  illness but had appar- IlY recovered, and his sud- !th was a severe shock to !ibers of his family and orn in Little Rock cl' k, January 17, 1874, the 5 James Hudson and Mar- 1 (McCulley) Horni- had lived in the city lly all his life except dur- time he was a student lata Military Institue and Brothers College in St. Lfter graduating from the hool, he entered business ROck and for the past 40 cl owned and operated the taibrook Roofing Co. Sev- l's ago, Mr. Hornibrook ]l control of the Stuart  o. and after that time I to:: operate both com- e Knight of Council 8 a member of the Little tcil, Knights of Colum- bia Past Grand Knight of cil. He was also a mem-  the Fourth Degree As- ;"ights of Columbus, a 'i ember of the. Little Rock lub and a member of the . directors of the Little !Ys Club. He was per- Of the best known mem- ithe Cathedral parish and ted the parish on many ill public and civic af- ar a number of years he rer of the Little Rock b, in which he took a 1 of interest, and was[ leraber of the Board of I , that Club. [ /: an active part in sev-j aunity Chest campaigns I Ved as a member of the  directors. Mr. Horni-i 8 also one of the organi- active members of the Civie Club, serving on  of trustees for a num- bS. He was also a mem- I Cathedral Men's Club. :fllhtted with Choir !larae affiliated with the athedral choir some Ye:rrS as a'member of that o - ' at his death. Through- was active in the life of d state, there was no Who took a more active lithe promotion of its ath- grams than did the de- ior many years he served aber of the board of di- t the Little Rock College  ommittee, and was a llorter its varied of uaibrook was married No- 2, 197, to Miss Alice :'ho died March 3, 1923. .iVed by a son, James E. 'i, a member of the l Wardens at the cathe- tby a daughter, Mrs. l:ison, an active worker athedral parish and a ident of the Cathedral Y. He is also survived ddaughter, Mildred Har- /Rtdent at Mt. St. Mary's 'Ud two sisters, Mrs. [,eay of Little Rock and il' Emerson of Memphis. :Qlite tO Strong Faith ;b,' eral with a Solemn Re- ,'h Mass was held at St. i Cathedral Saturday t 10 o'clock with the Rt. ' James p Moran, Rec- :lebrant the Rev. Ed- :.aloy, as deacon, and the rne Laferty as sub- e eulogy was preach- r. Moran in which he te to the unselfish char- ' I'Ioraibrook's life and -taith which he exem- occasion. He also fact that Mr. Horni- Weekly communicant the frequent recep- Sacraments he found Which sustained him throughout his .On Charities Tour [Charles Scherer Of Good Counsel Parish Dies The Rev. Albert J. Murphy, of Cleveland, recently appointed as, ststant secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Charities,. Washington, who is touring sev- eral of the archdioceses and dio- ceses, in the. interest of the Con- ference. He was formerly direc-: tor of the Child Guidance Clinio ta Gleve[and. (Be Dtraus photo,} " i# " ....... DR. JOSEPH ROE TAKEN BY DEATH LAST SUNDAY (Continued from Page 1) ated with Dr. N. F. Weny in the partnership o Weny and Roe in 1928. He was secretary of the board of control of the State Hospital and was active in all movements to better the institution. He made an extensive trip through the north and east last summer to se- cure information of value to the board in operation of the hos- pital. He gave unstintingly of his time in improvement of the in- stitution. Prominent in Athletics Even before he became pro- minently known in the medical profession, Dr, Roe enjoyed a wide acquaintance in Arkansas on ac- count of his athletic activity. He starred at tackle for four years in Little Rock College football in the early 20's. He never lost his love for the game and was a pro- minent figure at many athletic contests in Little Rock and throughout the state. At various times he contributed his services as team physician to Little Rock College, Little Rock High School and Little Rock Catholic High School. Three Children Survive He was married December 31, 1928, to Miss Lorraine Philbin of Chicago. Surviving are his wife; three children, Patricia, Lor- raine and Joseph Roe, Jr., all of 204 Fountain street, Little Rock; two brothers, Bill Roe of North Little Rock and George Roe of Bingham, Utah; and a sister, Mrs. Mary Louis of North Little Rock. Dr. Roe was a member of the staffs of St. Vincent's and Baptist State Hospitals and of the Ameri- can, Arkansas and Pulaski County Medical associations. He specia- lized in the field of gastro-entero- logy. Inteznent was in Calvary ceme- tery where committal prayers were read by Msgr. Moran, assisted by Very Rev Msgr. Joseph A. Gal- lagher, vice rector of St. John's Seminary; the Rev. Joseph Burns, pastor of St. Patrick's church; Father Maloy and Father Lab- ferry. Wide Circle of Friends The many floral offerings and l spiritual bouquets testified to the high esteem and affection in which the deceased was held by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Active pallbearers were Dr. Paul Mahoney, C. H. Richter, Jas. H. Penick, Russell D. Leas, John A. Shemll, G Russell Brown, J. W. Mitchell and Clarence Smith. Honorary pallbearers were J. D. Parks, Carroll Thomas, Hogan Oliver, John G. Pipkin, Charles M. Taylor, Harry M. Trieber, D. E. Barbee, Charles Davenport, Gilbert Blass, J. M. Williams, Jr W. T. Sitlington, Sidney L. Kahn Ed McEvoy, Dr. H. W. Hundling, Paul Maus, T. P. Lawler, S. M. Broek, Judge J. G. Burlingame, Clyde Lowdy, D. Ralph McClurg, Charles T. Evans and Raymond Rebsamen. Allsopp & Chapple Booksellers & Stationers 307-309 Main Street Call DAN DEARASAUGH For Office Supplies--Ph. 961 Little Rock, Oct. 25.Funeral services were held at Our Lady of Good Counsel parish Monday morning at 9 o'clock for Charles Otto Seherer, 52, 908 Dcnison street, who died Sunday. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Wermon W. Wer- nke was celebrant of the solemn requiem High Mass• The Rev. Thomas F. Walsh of E1 Dorado, Ark. and the Rev. Jos. M. Burns were deacon and subLdeacon re- spectively. The Rev. Msgr. John J. Healy was master of ceremonies. Mr. Scherer was a prominent and long-time warden of Good Counsel parish. As a captain of the Laymen's Retreat movement he was very enthusiastic in this work from the time of its be- :ginning at St. John's Seminary. He was president of the Good Counsel Holy Name Society. Burial was in Roselawn Park y Healey and Roth. Pallbearers were: active, Curtis Sluyter, Sr., Adolph Helm, Steve Cole, Jr., Frank Mullen, Leo Hampel, Frank i Kordsmeier, W. B. Roberts, Char- les Coyne; honorary, L. A. Bailey, Joe Bahil, S. P. Dixon, Guy A. Lewis, B. T. Hoff, J. G. Burlin- game, M. W. Martin, Hugh Thorn- ton, A. Hubener, Jack Goodwin, Tommy Harris, Harry Snider, T. P. Dehmer, H. C. Rawls, Dr. Carl A. Rosenbaum, Dr. George B. Lewis, Dr. S. C. Fulmer, Dr. Theo. Freedman, Dr. J. S. Levy, Jim Peters, Homer Bailey, Dr. R. M. Blakely, L. P. Priest, Steve Mul- len, Sr., A. H. Stebbins, Sr., Dr. Paul Coyne. Rosary services were held at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. J. Flynn, 908 Denison street, Monday evening_ in charge of the members of the Holy Name Society. Mr. Scherer was an active warden in the Good Counsel parish for 20 years. He was secretary of the Federation of Shop Crafts. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. ' Elizabeth Scherer; two daughters, Miss Elizabeth Scherer of Little Rock and Mrs. Phillip A. Martin of E1 Dorado; five sisters, Mrs. W. J. Flynn, Mrs. W. A. Jones and Mrs. Emma Griffin, all of Little Rock, and Mrs. L. P. Sarls and Mrs. C. L. Carter of Evansville, Ind.; a brother, George Scherer of Evansville, and two grand- children. The love-winning force of one's religion and piety is no uncertain test of his truth and genuine- aess.--Bishop Spalding. QUI VIVE? (Continued from Page 1) with the extramural activities of their children. The most impor- tant of these that should be caxe- fully watched is their companions. Some parents seem to neglect en- tirely the recreational affairs of their children. Yet associates and means of amusement arc tre- mendously important in the lives of the young. Many parents pre- tend a great interest in school work. Witness the large number of mothers who belong to the Parent-Teachers' Association. Yet vast as the organization is, the abuses in the school system grow apace. Fine buildings and equip- ment axe on all sides, but nothing is ever done about real character training in the schools maintained by the public. Teachers must have certain degrees and pupils must obtain a certain number of credits. That is modern education. Prom- inent educators throughout the world have laid bare its fallacy but nothing is done to correct it. Church authorities have warned parents of their obligations both at home and in school, but they listen to the song of their own par- ticular siren and refuse to respond. The day of reckoning will come. Some thirty years ago, some readers may remember that fax back, there was a dance called the "Can-Can." It was practiced in the worst dance halls of the underworld in Paris. It was in- troduced into this country, but was danced only in the lowest "dives' by the most profligate, habitues of such places. Imagine the surprise of some of the older generation when a metropolitan newspaper announced that the Junior League had taken up this dance. The notice in the social column said that the girls would dance the "Can-Can" and would be Joined by the men for the "Big Apple." The Junior League is composed of the social elite. Thus has the depravity of public moral placed the seal of approval upon the worst indecencies of for- mer years. It seems that there is no limit to human wickedness in this age of abandoned moral standards. The dances which are Annual Fall Fair Is Held At Pocahontas Pocahontas, Oct. 25.--The an- num fall fair for the benefit oct St. Pauls Church will be held Oc- tober 27. Attractive features have been planned, and the members of the Catholic Ladies Club who sponsor this event are anticipating a successful fair. October 12, members of Poca- hontas Council No. 2443, Knights of Columbus, very fittingly ob- served Columbus Day by spon- soring a bingo party for the bene- fit of the Catholic High School in Pocahontas. The ladies of St. Paul's school Auxiliary served a delicious :chicken supper preceding the games. The affair was a success, socially and financially. ! St. Paul's parish is proud of its ninth and 10th grades, which have been maintained under some dif- ficulty, but with the new interest manifested, it is hoped that St. Paul's will soon have a complete !WEST MEMPHIS CHURCH DEDICATED BY BISHOP (Continued from Page I) and its work as exemplified in the newly established parish at West Memphis. Directing many of his thoughts to the number of non- Catholics who attended the serv- ices, he described for them the! work of the Church and its great cause. One's first duty, the Bishop said, was to God and unless this one obligation is fulfilled other good works are of little or no avail. Following the ceremonies, a din- ner was served by the Ladies Auxiliary Society of St. Michael's in the school to more than 60 guests. His Excellency, seven dio- cesan priests, five Dominican priests, one Benedictine priest of Subiaco, two brothers from Chris- tian Brothers College of Mem- phis, 20 Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus and prominent West Memphis and visiting laymen at- tended. At the end of the dinner, Fath- er Prendergast, pastor of St. Mi- chael's called upon the Hon. Win. Hundhausen, Mayor of West Mere- four-year course to offer. [ )his, who extended a hearty and The members of St. Paul's sincere welcome to all present. The Auxiliary wish to CXlhress their Most Reverend Bishop at the sug- !gestion of Father Prendergast res- sincere appreciation to the Knights of Columbus and to all who helped to make this party a success. Nun Is Killed as Auto Careens to Sidewalk Montreal, Oct. 22. .--Struck by an automobile, Sister Julie Ma- rie, of the Convent of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, was fatally injured. She died in No- [tre Dame Hospital. She and Sister Marie Alcide were walking on the sidewalk :when one of two automobiles in a collision mounted the sidewalk and knocked both nuns down. Sister Marie Alcide is recover- ing. appropriate on a concrete high- way where trucks are usually seen. Wild indecent dances have been found in every age, but un- til the present time, the wild gyra- tions of the jungle have not been seen in most dance halls these I adopted by the genteel. Of course days, originate in Harlem. One lthe scrapping of the code of sound of the most popular modern types I morals could scarcely be expected is called "Trucking." It looks about I to elevate men's lives. Under the as foreign to a ball room as ltS jpresent system, no doubt, even the name implies. It would be more l"Can-Can" seems urbane. J. J. Healey C.A. Roth HEALEY & ROTH FUNERAL DIRECTORS SINCE 1905 Ambulance Service Call 4-0549 ponded to the welcome of the Mayor. His Excellency thanked all who were present for the as- sistance they have so cheerfully given the mission of West Mem- phis. He complimented the work of Father Prendergast and his ac- !complishments in the new mission i parish The clergy present for the din- ner in addition to those assisting at the Solemn High Mass were Rev. Edwin A. Hemmen, Rev. O. P. Butterbach, Rev. Deorge Ncit- zey, O. P., of the Southern Mis- sion Band, Rev. E. B. Leary, O. P., Rev. Patrick M. Walsh, O. P., of St. Peter's Church in Memphis, and Rev. Mulvin, O. P., of the Novitiate of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, Metuchen, N. J. The large number of Dominican Sis- ters of St. Agnes were served a dinner all their own. St. Scholastica Bazaar Planned For November 10 Fort Smith, Oct. 25.Prepara- tions for the bazaar to be held November 10 at St. Scholastica Convent are well under way. In joint meetings, the committees in charge have discussed ways and means for the success of the af- fair. Many attractive features have been added to make the bazaar an even greater success than it was last year. A card party will open the event at 2 o'clock. Provi, sions are being made for at least 100 tables. A valuable door prize will be given. Supper Follows Cards The chicken supper will follow immediately after the card party. The fun in the auditorium will be- gin at about 5 o'clock. A great variety of booths have been plan- ned. The generous merchants of Fort Smith and business houses out of town are donating tempting gifts for the stands. The Benedictine Sisters from the various mission houses are contributing useful and artistic selections of fancy work. After the games at the booths, coun- try store, post office, and the like, a grand prize of a bedroom suite or $100 in cash will be given away. Other Valuable Gifts Among other valuable gifts, a beautiful crocheted bedspread and a novel doll house will be given to lucky visitors. The enthusiasm of the commit- tee in charge, the students of the academy and the missions, pre- !diets a successful event. LADIES' AND HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED M°R00 I - ON HATTER 523 Main St. Phone 9976 .... 77-..  '--'5.UC_:: 5: ....... Yes! The blEW Fall Suits Are Here QUALITY SUITS AT $21 up Rube & Scott 417-419 Main St. Little Rock Ell II Hll i i STRONGER NATURAL FILM MOTOR WEXIt "i Naturalube'.s remarkable lubricating exnensive relmirs. Added power and ualities bring you the perfect corn- reduced gasoline and oil consnmmion bination for greater motor efficiency are yours when you use Naturalube. ;dus savings ve ways Naturalube Not'i " . 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Buy Natura. lube the next time you buy motor oil and start saving five ways. Sold by ! all Lion stations and dealers. Look: for the Lion ....  LION OIL REFINING CO. ... . ,KNIX'KNOX,00