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Arkansas Catholic
Little Rock, Arkansas
October 16, 1964     Arkansas Catholic
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October 16, 1964
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16, 1964 Guardian OFficial %blicati0n 0f the 00iocese oF Eiffle q00ock COUNCIL SUPI'IEMENT PAGE 1-A INENT :unong layn]en attending thc third session of Council [l are: (lefl to right) Mieczyslaw de llabicht. Pel'nl.lilent secretary, Conference el International Organization; Jean Larulaud, French, general secre- holic Co(irclinatino Cenler for UNESCO; Ramon Sug- e Franeh. Spanish. prtsidenl of Pax I{omana. taler- .organization ot" Catholic slndenis and intellectuals, tdenl, Conference of International Catholic Orgmfiza- Guiltou, French. University of Paris professor and Is On Epistle Side, p Flefcher Reporfs Hlowing is the fourth weeldy letter, addressed from Faithful ef lhe Diocese of Little Rock. hy His Ex. shop Albert L. Fletcher. one of the Fathers of Vatican Oct. 3, 1964 ear friends: think I have told you seat is located in St. this session of the My seal number is means that I am on side of the aisle Archbishops 3Ps nearer the altar and abt)m 800 on nearer the front door. is in tile sixth row the outer aisle and I am not in the center of six seats, I only tall) over Bishop Deu- t. ilyacinth, Province Canada, in case 1 ]lay a visit to "Bar Ifter it opens about Ock. By this time (the begin fit 9:00 We l.)oth feel like our legs a little. But Ure you thai quite a o£ t!le 2,100 bishops same way aboul it. .ntly, hoth "Bar Jonah" "abas" are absolutely "Bar Nun", which a.s )redicted by Fr. has not yet at is well located as speakiug neigh- llcerned. Bishop Metz- Paso, Texas, my old llu( this rather h/w number on my scat. and its h)cation pretty far to the front in St. Peters. is not the only thing lo remind DlC (hal 1 aln up l(:|lge" a yOtlhg bishop. My two friends, jnst in front el ine. (Bishop l)onagh,,y and Bishol) Ferins) have just eelebrated their Silver Jubilees. About ten days ago Bishop I)onaghey was given the honor uf saying the low Mass which always starts the Council sessmn. Last Thurs- day, Bishop Ferins said this Mass on the very day of his 25th anlliver:ary. It nlust have been quite an exparience to have over 2.000 bishops atteud their Jubilee Masses and to say these Mass,as in St. Peter's. Mugr. Graves and [ had lunch last Sunday with ore' two stu- dents of the North American College, Father Robert Burton of Fort Smtth and Rev. Mr. l:red Gnnti of I)ine Bluff. who received subdiaconate just tile day bef(n'e. Father Burton was ordained lasl ,luly with some of llle olher student officers of the Colleg(', as is customary. Ft. Burton is Sacristan and Master of Cerem(mies m the College. Mr. Gunti will be or- dained with the other members cf his class next l)ecember. the only Catholic layman to atlend the [irst scssum (,f the council: Francesco Vito, Italian. rector of the Catholic Univer- sity (:f tile Sacred Heart. Milan: ,lames J. Norris, American, assistant to the executive director. Catholic Relief Services- National Catholic W(:lfare Conference. and presklent, Inter- national Catholic M_igration Commission; and Dr. Emilios, Ing- lessia, Greek. executive director. International Council of Catholic Men. (NC Phole) i Predicts Strong Liberty Statement B()sion IN:) llichard Cardi- nal Cushing el Boston is .confi- dent thal the ecumenical coun- cil will give "a clear mandate el religions liberty for all lllell." Cardinal Cushing, writing in lhe Pilot. arclldiocesan news- Pal)er. said "all of the speeches on religious liberty" gJven re- cently at lhe c.ouncil's third scssioD "were definitely in favor of religious liberly in its I)road understanding." The cardinal himself was tile first of seven Ameri('ans to ad- dress tile council dm'ing the de- bate on religious liberty, speak- ing in lh(, name of nearly all his fellow U.b;. bishops. ......... ji ,. They will nol finish their class work at. the Gregorian Univers- ity until the told of this school lerm. Hence. we will ]lot have lh(,m haek in Arkansas until nexl Stllnlnor. Although one of lheln is now a priest and the other a suhdeacon, they are both still seminarians and have good appetites! We also had supper one day last week with Bishop Waters of Raleigh and his Auxiliary, l{ishop Mcl,aughiin. who is all alumnus of St ,lohn's. With us als() was Bishop l)eFalco of Amar,illo. who is also an alum- IIUS of St, ,Iohll'S O[ wholn we are all mighty proud. It's nighty gt/od occasionally to get away frOlll tile serious buM- hess of the t:ouncil alld enjoy See LETTER on Page 3A Likely Closing Date Nov. 20 Vatican City (El-- A joil3t meeting of officials of lhe ecu- merfical council has reportedly resulled ill a decismn not to bring the council's third ses- si(;n lo an abrupt halt. The most probable oh)sing date ap- pears to be Nov. 20, According to reliable sources. lhe meeting of the council's presi(tenc', coordinating com- mittee, modcuators and general secretariat agreed that the i)resent session shonld be long enough to permit discussions on pending schemata and propositions to continue with- out pressure. The target date for the cotm- eli's formal oh)sing is now Pen- tecost Sunday, ,lune 6, 1965. l)m'ing the sx month inter- val between the third and fonrth seqsious, commit'tees will have sufficient lime to go over tile many ameudments l)roposed for varions texts so thai ihe Fathers will be able I(i eoml)lete the final voting du)'in a fonrtn sessi(m to he called sh()rtly after Easter. A majority el the Fathers feel that Ihe schema (m tile Church in lhe nlodern world requires special consideration which ought not to be rushed. A feeling also prevails thai inany propositions as now drafted lear:_' a lot to be de- sired and would' resnlt in gerl- (,ral (lisaPl)Ointnlent if nol put on a mort' solid footing. at tile first session of ll.eil, is on my right; ]n fr/mt of me (in the lative location as last Bishep Donaghey of a Maryknoller from and Bishop Ferins h'eland. 'e luy neighbor of lasl Pieris el Ceylon, :tlutly ol)posite me on side of tim cemer is also true iif one heighbors at. the first the Ceuneil, Bishop agreb in Yugoslavia. requently say "'good at a distance by ex- g a tip of our birettas. Council Applauds Layman's Talk Vatican Cily (El :Phe bishops of the ecum(,ni('al c()uncil ap- ))]auded ,warmly when Patrick Keegan ofGr('aI Britianstepl)e(l lip to lhe pulpil to become lhe first layman t,) speal¢ at tile c()tl ncil. Keegan, head of tile Intel:na- tional Fcderation of Christian W,)rlcers Mt)vements, addressed lhe l)'athers m) behalf of (he lay men and women auditors of lhe e(mncil, who had been charged theretofore to listen, not speak, Tile 48-year-old Eng- lishman's address rt, sounded in vigorous English over the coun- cil hall's mnl)lifying system. 'The very existence of the dvcnment under discussion is I)r(:(ff that the apostolate of tile laity is t1(i luxury (ir passing fasllion," he said, referring to the lay al)ostolate schenm. as "giving t,s a new vision of (;nr partic'ipation in the wh(;lc mission t)f the Church." I.,ikewise. h,' said. lhe Consti- tUli(n on Ihe l,iturgy, passed by the couueil last l)eeember. "has vitalizcd our share in tile public worshil) ;t lilt' Church." But he said that it is lhe s('hcll]a OI1 lhe lay aposiolate lie went c,n to say that the which "ii]arks for us a poiut of lay auditors welcomed tile t'utfilment in lhe historical chal)ter in the schema on lhe deveh)pment ef the lay aposto- Church dealing with tile laily See LAYMAN on Page 3A Priesthood, Laity Under Discussion Vatican City (El- The ecu- menical eeuncil's 1001h general mcetiog was ntarlced by diseus. sion of a wide range of topics dealing with the priestly life and minislry and by the first speech delivered Io a formal. w()rking session by a layman. Subjecls dealing with the l)riesthcod ran the gamut frmn the spirituality required of a 1)riest Io the salaries of rectory ]lOLls(,keepe.l's. Ph,as were. made for abolishing Chnrch belle- fires, and I)aying priests ade- quate salaries and providing medical rare and retirement benefits. A special /ribute was paid lo lhe t'onl;lry priesl, for- gotlen ill a mass urban society. Palrick Keegan, council audi- t(w from England, addressed lhe Fathers (m tile lay aposto- late sehema even though de- bate (m it had bc'en formally closed by a cloture vote the previous day. He was greeted by a round of al)l)lause after he had told lhe Fathers, iu an • tt(,mpt to "voice the senti- ments ot the faithful hlity throuhout the world," that the docuDleDt was most warmly welcomed, "giving us a new vision of our active participa- lion ill th.:' whole mission of I he Chureh." Priestly Life Afler A1 (.id)ishop Franeois Marty of Rheinls. Franee, had given a repm't on the pi'oposi- lion "On the Priestly Life and Minislry," A i b e r t Cardinal Meyer of Chicago led off the discussion. He rejected the draft as unacceptable and called for a full schema and full dis- cussion of the uhjact. just as there had been for the bishops and the laily. Though originally seheduled as a schema, it had l)een re- duced to a "'t)roposition" dnr- ing the Pnterim l'eceding the 1)rcEent council session. Only recelltly by a vote of the eeun- ell Fathers was it decided to give it any discussion l)rior lo voting. 1-h'Olmsiti0ns. unlike sch(,mas, are not scheduled to be fully dehaled by the Fathers. Another Anmriean prelate \\;vho spoke was Auxiliary Bish- op ,h)hn A Donovan of l)etroit. lle made a slrong plea for un- derslandilg and eare of psy- cholo;dcally disturbed and psy- ch()tie priests, lit, asked that lhey be given modern treat- meat ralher than confined in • "eeeh, siastica2 prisons." Twelve other speakers dis- ettss(,(I the priesthood after lhree, inv(/king the 70-sigl)a- lure .'ule to speak after a clo- ture vote. (,,retinue the debate on the lay al)Oslolate. A rehhishol) Pericle Peliei, lhe council's general secretary, recognized lhe presence of pas- IOI'S chosell froln various eOtUl- lries to sii in on the discussion of 1he ln'iesU',ood at the person- al request oi Pope Paul VI. He gave tlem a eordial welcome whiell was seconded by the ap- plause ol Llle. council Fathers. Americans Present The Alnel'lL'tlllS present were Msgr. Walter J. Tappe of Santa R(:sa. ('ali[., and Msgr. Joseph E. Emmen,.gger of Delavan, Wis. Msgr. Gerard L. Frey ()f l[oulna. La:, ttllcl Msgt) 'Pholnas B. Falls "ot Mauoa, Pa.. lhe (:ther two Lt.S. priests called to the council, had' not yet ar- rived, in his repoy.t on the proposi. li(m (m the ln'iesthond, Arch- hishep Mar'l.: explained hat 1he lille had been changed ['rlllU "The t)rieM]lood '' because lls mater, ial had been reduced ,o dralicatly tilat such a title was ulo vast [or a simple propo- silica, lh' also said the change \\;:ts dictaled by tile iueurpo- ratioll el a {re:|tlllClll (in lhe l)riestho(;d ill Ihe schenla on lhL' ('hurch otld olher coulicil drafls. The propositiun, he said. is lhe fluit of (,xtensiw" and con- centrmed work. The criteria used ill drawing it up, he said, were the pastoral needs of the ministry and a positive ap- See PRIESTIIOOD on Page 4A