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October 15, 1965 |
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n by Lot
0rk (tO --.)olin F. Nat-
received Holy ConJ-
Pope Paul VI t)e-
le principal at his
few his name from a
Barteis, 7, the small-
the 12 children who
Offertory gifls to the
the Yankee Stadinm
Peace and received
Lon, got there because
Sydney, Australia.
a pert, matter-of-fact
calmly corrected re-
Grornyko Quoted
On Papal Speech
United Nations, N.Y. (E) --
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko viewed Pope Paul's
address to the General Assem-
bly as "one of the most impor-
lant statements ever made be-
fore the United Nations in its
20 years," according to a lead-
ing diplomatic source here.
• Gromyko termed the peace
message "well balanced and
tl:-;e fnl."
At the l;eception following
the address, the foreign minis-
ter and Soviet ambassador to
lhe United Nations Anatoly
Dobrynin came near the head
(:f the line --following Gov.
and Mrs. Nelson Rockefeller of
New York -- in shaking hands
with Polbe Paul. The Pope and
Gromyko both miled and cimt-
is with a 'y,' not 'i,' "
but added agreeably,
matter though."
for the Mass,
d she was from Syd-
been in the United
months and baseball
le ever watch a hase-
m Yankee Stadium?
she bobbed enthu-
"Mickey Mantle,"
anticipating the fay-
three sisters --
and one older-
is her favorite
the United Nations
she is a second
.eantime, slicked to
lrlch of his life, John
stood by. His father
York )oliceman rail-
and others
facing the al-
communion of the
with tears stream.
lis face.
lo rel)|'esented the
North America. is
at St. Nicholas
School near the Uni-
know why I was
the SUl.)erior, Sisler
called me ()tEl of
n into the hall and
done somethi|)g
Sister told me I
Selected to receive
at the Pope's
Francis later said
being asked to
North American
of her first ted animatedly as they met.
child, she and other Sisters in
the school first decided it
should be a student between 7
and 11 years old.
Then they narrowed it down
a bit more, deciding to choose
a student from one of the
school's three sixth grade class-
es. Each teacher provided the
name of a candidate. The
Papal Gifts
Among 'Most
Vatican City (E) -- The dia-
mend-studded cross and ring
that Pope Paul VI gave the
United Nations to be sold for
the relief of human suffering
were, in the Pope's words, "the
most precious things I own."
tIaving a value estimated at
$150,000, the cross and ring
were presented to United Na-
lions crelary General U
Thant by Pope Paul at the re-
ception following his address
to the General Assemhly on
Oct. 4.
According to a source very
close to the ltoly Father, Pope
Paul in deciding to give them
to the United Nations for the
relief of suffering had com-
mented that the cross and ring
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POPE PAUL talks with one of the children
who had earlier received Communion from
him at Yankee Stadium Mass. The Pope's
names were placed in a hat
and Sister Paul Francis drew
Father Charles McTague,
moderator of St. John the Bap-
tist International School in
Fairview, N.J., was in charge
of the 12 children.
At the Mass rehearsal, the
priest worked hard to put the
children at ease for their ap-
Talking to them of the event,
he reviewed the Mass, reciting
the prayer thai: was the chil-
dren's cue to proceed to the
altar and commenting with a
"Now, isn't thai the longest
prayer you ever heard? (Tweh, e
were "the most l)recious things
I OWE]."
The cross is a l)e('toral cross
al)('ut eight inches long studded
wilh large diamonds surround-
ed by smaller ones and .with
small emeralds around the
edge. The ring -- a bishop's
ring -- has a large diamond
with smaller ones around il
and with small crosses set with
rubies on each side.
utter graciousness and unflagging stamina
amazed millions who saw him in person or
watched him on television. (NC Photo)
heads nodded in agreement.)
And tomorrow if you go to
Mass in the morning, don't re-
ceive communion and if anyone
needs to go to confession, I'll
be here; you know, just in case
you run over someone with a
truck on the way out to the
Then Robyn piped up. "I
want to be the dove," she
Monday night, Oct. 4, bun-
dled against the cold, she
mounted the crimson and white
altar -- with a silver dove for
Pope Paul.
THE GUARDIAN OCT. 15, 1965--17 •
Raps Visit
Munich (E) -- The Commu-
nist party chieftain of Albania,
Red China's European satellite,
charged that Pope Paul's peace
appeal to the United Nations
meant that the Vatican was
joining a "holy alliance of Am-
erican imperialism and modern
(Soviet) revisionism."
When the Pope appeared be-
fore the U.N., the Albanian
delegation was the only one
which stayed away from its
seats in the General Assembly
The delegation apparently
took its cue from Enver Hoxha,
first secretary of the Albanian
Communist party. Radio Free
Europe reported here that the
week before the Pope's U.N.
visit, Hoxha declared in Tirana,
the Albanian capital, that the
Pope's mission was to aid "Am-
erican aggression and Soviet
revisionism...the most feroci-
()us reaction in the world."
Itoxha said that by his trip,
the head of the Catholic Church
was abandoning his "spiritual
mask" and assuming a political
/lie ................... IIII I I t.__ -- --