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Arkansas Catholic
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October 3, 1993     Arkansas Catholic
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October 3, 1993
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PAGE 8 ARKANSAS CATHOLIC OCTOBER 3, 1993 M V' tom from the Vatican and various Native American were mnong the 400 people who gathered atop Mount Graham in somh Arizona Sept. 18 for the dedication of a corm'oversial ob s~n~atory. Demonstxators protesting the joint project of the Vatican Observatory and the University of Arizona blocked roads, pounded on drums, shouted and marched with signs in efforts to disrupt the ceremony and open house. Eleven protesters were arrested and one person, the spokesman for the Diocese of Tuc- son, seas slightly injured. The telescope is the first established for the Vatican out- side Italy and the only active research tele- scope used by the Vatican Observatory. (CNS) The dminnan of the Catholic Research Forum, a group of di~ re- searche~, disputed the conclusions of a study which mid that only 28 percent of Catholics go to Mass on Sunday. 'The study didn't begin from an accum start- hag point, and that may have skewed their condu ons," said Michael Cieslak. The true figure of U,S. Catholic church atten- dance, Cieslak estimated, is probably some- where between the 28 percent figure of the new study and the 51 percent dted in a 1981 Gallup survey. But "true" is a slip- pery term, according to Cieslak, director of the research and planning office for the Diocese of Rockford. (CNS) The head of the National Conference of Catholic Bid p£ new Ad Hoe Corn- on Sex ~ m~d one pr mai kxg way for the US. dam'eh to combat ~gaml mse of children m /be education pro- gyam in all "I am very impressed with the concept of the parish discussion guide" developed by the Canadian bish- ops, said Bishop John F. Kinney of Bis- marck, N.D. He was named to lead the committee when it was formed in June. Bishop Kinney was interviewed by Catho- lic News Service while he was in Washing- ton in mid-September for the third meet- ing of his committee. He said the group was still focused mainly on organizational questions and "how to zero in on the various facets of the mandate given us by the conference." (CNS) The editors of the New Revised Stan- dard Verfion Bible have armounced the first putflicafion of that Bible in a Catholic edition. The NRSV: Catholic Edition, pub- lishe/t by the Catholic Bible Press division of Thomas Nelson Publishers, has been approved for study and liturgical use by the Catholic bishops of the United States and C~qada. The NRSV, a project of the National Council of Churches, was com- pleted in 1990 by an ecumenical team of 30 Scripture scholarg The team induded a number of Catholics as well as Protes- tant, Greek Orthodox and Jevdsh hot- ar~ The NRSV is a revision of the Revised Standard Verfion, which was completed in 1952. (CNS) bickering, MILWAUKEE (CNS) -- Archbishop Rembert G. Wealdand of Milwaukee has urged Catholics to stop "bickering over non- essentials" and dnmm g one another out of the Church. "We cannot continue this kind of sense- less and heartless condemning of one an- other," he wrote in his weekly column in the Sept. 16 issue of the Catholic Herald, the archdiocesan newspaper. He particularly criticized the 'Mtliolic" on the Eternal Word Television Network when Mother Angelica, EWFN's founder and head, denounced what she called the "destructive force" of the "liberal church in America" over the past 30 years. "For a half-hour she ranted and raved about all the 'abuses' since Vatican Council II, according to her own personal judgment, which, of course, she equates with that of the Holy Father," Archbishop Weakland wrote. ' It was one of the most disgraceful, un- Christian, offensive and divisive diatribes I have ever heard," he added. "She invited everyone who disagreed with her to leave the Church." Mother Angelica's TV commentary was touched off by a mime troupe's use of a woman the previous evening to portray Jesus in a dramatic representation of the Way of the Cross at Mile High Stadium in Denver during Pope John Paul II's visit there for World Youth Day. Mother Angelica called the portrayal "blas- phemous" and said it was another example of 30 years of "tricks" and "deceit" by liberals "constantly pushing anti-God, anti-Catholic ways into the Catholic Church." The mime troupe's action was defended by World Youth Day officials and Vatican press spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valh, but lead- ers of several co~ Catholic groups and publications backed Mother Angelica's cimls. 'Archbishop Wealdand asked Catholics to avoid the selective Catholicism of both pro- gressive and conservative extremists. "In addition to these extremes we must avoid the kind of worldly and untempered tone of argumentation that characterizes po- litical debates and letters to the editors of our newspapers," he said. "Probably the worst offender of this sort is a newsletter out of New York called Catholic Eye," he added. 'The main intent of its writer ks to ridicule in a 'cutesy' anyone he does not agree with." '~'.atholic newspapers can fall into the same wap" by carrying extremist views and attacks on others in their opinion columns and let- ters, he said. ' 'My solution to all of this debating in the public media about so many Church issues would be to tell people to study more, reflect more, pray more -- and only then enter the debate," he said. 'There is nothing wrong with disagreeing, but we have to relearn how to do so as civilized Christians and not as barbarians." Dave's World Mon, 7:30-8 CBS Against the Grain Fri, 7-8 NBC Bakersfield P.D. Tues, 7:30.8Fox Missing Persons Thur, 7-8 ABC Frasier Thur, 8:30-9NBC It Had to Be You Fri0 7-7:30 CBS Cafe Americain Sat, 7:30-8 NBC SOME INTEREST Townsend Television Sun, 6-7 Fox Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Sun, 7-8 ABC SeaQuest DSV Sun, 7-8 NBC Phenom Tues, 7:30-8ABC The John Larroquette Show Tues, 8-8:30NBC The Second Half Tues, 8:30-9NBC Thea Wed, 7-7:30 ABC Joe's Life Wed, 7:30.8 ABC Moon Over Miami Wed, 9-10 ABC The Sinbad Show Thur, 7:30.8Fox The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. Fri, 7-8 Fox Boy Meets World Fri, 7:30-8 ABC The X-Files Fri, 8-9 Fox George Sat, 7-7:30 ABC Harts of the West Sat, 8-9 CBS DON'T BOTHER Living Single Sun, 7:30-8 Fox Daddy Dearest Sun, 8:30.9 Fox Saved by the Bell: The College Years Tues, 7-7:30NBC NYPD Blue Tues, 9-10 ABC Grace Under Fire Wed, 8:30-9 ABC TheTrouble With Larry Wed, 7-7:30 CBS Angel Falls Thur, 9-10 CBS Family Album Fri, 7:30-8 CBS The Mommies Sat, 7-7:30 NBC O1993 CNS Graphice Source: U.S. Catholic Conferofl, co Office for Film and Broadcastin! 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