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Catholic Delegate To Legion's Boys Forum
t •
Notre Dame, Ind. (E)--The ur-I not bb identihed, because they to do this, a movement is neces-
,~,~* n,~*=d for ~,rdater effort[ have relatives,in Soviet areas, sary, and the movement is the
~'"among camolic~":- " priests° .... m the ac- t The Russian people: the ob- YCW,~: which must be the per-
. . . I servers declared, at first were manent solution to the problems
tivities of_ the layapostola~e wasIwilling to fight side by side of the young worker."
stressed durin
gme.~'z~n Annua~ I with the Germans, but when Mr. Keegan said that the YCW
"~ ie ;s. heldatLaYs'Ap°st°late tStud'YiWeekneUnverszt .fOr[oz. they became aware of the would be helpless without ch'ap-
z--ri ~, ;¢ [ ruthlessness with which the lains, who alone are able to in-
Notre Dame, under the patronage
• ' "t f 1people were treated they flame the young worker and bring
Welfare Conferen'ce, was cele- Went, Bristol, Conn.; Gerard J. Walter Tetrault, Pr~l~-~
brant and later accompanied the Ennis, Elizabeth, N.J.. Rev. Paul I.; James McCaffery,--/=~1~
boys on a visit to the Apostolic F. Tanner; J. William Murphy, Del.; William P. DiXOn:~
Delegation. Pictured at the ha- La Crosse, Wis.; John J. White, Wyo.; Donald Everett Tt~l
tional shrine are: Left to right, Harvard, Mass.; Raymond Ablon- coma, Wash.; William ~'~lm~
standing: Hayes Kennedy, Ameri- di, Fitchburg, Mass.; William W. McIntyre, Detroit; Del,~,,~
can Legion counselor of Illinois; Lanigan, Demarest, N.J.; Ed- Nagengast, Howells, l~l~
ward Francis Smith, Gosport, N. ald E Tibbetts, Man~
Y., and Nick Ragus, head football Tz ~,~ ]',~h~ .T~ q~zlld0~!~
Mont.; John A. Tracey, Kittery, coach, Arizona State College. Left ""' ............ .- -~
of Archbishop John J. lVli~.y, .~ I turned against the Germans to him the full beauty of the storia, Long Island; Joseph .J. tin McHale, Pittston, Pa.: Conrad
San Franclsco, ~plscopal ~nmr- Iand were willing to fight un- Church.
man o~ me uatnOllC 2kC~lOn ~uuy j der communist leaders Af ,,-,
• tholic • - Tne problem of the young
Department, Natmnal Ca I ter the termination of Worldworker is a huge one." h~ con-
Welfare Conference. .. 1 War II, observers continued,cluded, "but it is not going to be
More than 100 priests from raG- / the younger ~ussians wno nansolved unless we see it with the
ceses throughout the United / fought in the Red army felt eves of Christ unless w,~ build
States, and from Canada, France, ~ that l~hey had won the war a movement the scale and size of
England, and Yugoslavia, heard ]for the Allies and since they the destiny to which Christ has
leading laymen and priests con-]discovered that the standardcalled eacia young worker with-
nected w~th the lay apostolate ........ | of living in Europe is much out exception. I be~,~ of you, in
movement urge more concentrated[higher than m rcussm, m ey the name of the .young workers,
effort on the part of lay apostles ~ have turned against the com-to consider before God th'e re-
and the priests who are their [ munist regime, sonnsibilitv that i~ vn~r.~--tn rnalro
- - n i- r d n ..................
chaplains, at the conference at I So ma y w aesp ea i - or mar our movement--the move-
which Bishop John F, Noll of Fort | stances, they reported, have- ment which I am convinced can
Wayne, and the Rev. John J. [ occurred it/ Russia in whichand must brln~ back thp rnn.~.~*=~
n ........ ° ............
Cavanaugb, Notre ,Dame presi. - [ _Russian~. soldiers_ returni..g of _____Ground ....... wnrkp,.~" ............ tn ChriCf nnd
dent, were hosts,, j trom ~rope nave Dersonauy His Church "
The Rev. John Fitzsimons of ] executed members of the corn- Msgr• Reynold Hillenbrand of !
Liverpool, England, a visitingI regime maz now no Chicago, expressing the hope that[
lecturer at the University of] ~.uss]an somjerwno at any YCW would be stressed more[
Notre Dame, reviewed teach- e O?onVaL Ur s'S than ever during the study week,/When the American Legion took
ings of Pope Pius XI on the apos- ] - . x. ~._ • n- said tlzat the YCW movement ~youths from all parts of the Unit-
n h ooservers s~resseu ma~ you g,,
tolate, and described the stre gt,~l .... ~; in has been much too diversified led States to Washington for ffs
• ' ison men wno nan been ac ve • ,
of the late Pontiff s emphas I ......... ~z - w~th the result that we have not [secoz, d annual Boys Forum on
the idea of the lay apostolate. I ~o~:~eg ~r~SU~ereW°~e;~ gone into the most important job [National Government, a score of
"Gradually, Pope Plus XI be-I ............ -~ --*;-.., ;~ *ho --the workers. If we are going ]Catholic youths attended Mass in
came more explicit," Father Fitz- | resistance~ m'ovemen~" in" the to work with the workers we/a body at the National Shrine of
simons said. The apostolate was [ ~_~t-..~ "~,,r;n" thewar have to know th'at the first [theImmaculate Conception on Rudy Domitrovich of Anaconda,
. . ~a~,~,,o -- • s • " h " ro m" •
not merely to concern ~tself with | ~o.~a ^* *~.^ ~ .... ian --~o problem ]s t e econormc p ble .. |the campus of the Cathohc Urn- Mont.; Thomas Anderson, Havre,
men as mdzwduals but also zt | .., ....... u..~.. ,~ "b ..... ers Monsignor H~ en nct asse a ]vers~ty of Amerma, Rev. Paul F.
must take account of all the social I ~,v ~ a w,~y, 2,,.,= ..... _ thab the capitalistic system as we/Tanner, Assistant General Sec~e- Me.; James Patrick MurphT, As- to right, kneeling: Thomas Mar- Conn. Photographer, *~l~
groupings to which men belong ] ~ns~a~ o:t ftun~a~:n~a~;ag~ know it in the United States is [tary of the National Catholic
.....,~-~-~ ,.,~.._.~....~xorcise.. such a ~.nower- I ..... m not inherently wrong, but the / " .
very TOGa person. "±hey sa "1 " l"
These abuses, evi s, and zmmora zty
,~ounin,~s or institutions" are in-I that the two. chmf. v~rtue within the system are wrong. ~ IT ~'~F ~- charistic Congress noting the cen-
ful influence over them " " s here recently. Msgr. Francis E. ~s thega~
'=" ~" -'*" ' "" " - : - n ' neeuea m aeaung w~n mem ........ /v.vo ~-- - -. tennial of the founding of the Furey, rector of St. Charles Bor- awarded an honorary ¢*~".
escapaole, lwan is born znto o e,I ............... ~,o ~ ,~,t ~on*o nf fellow- umer aauresses ann mseus-/ "L:on~lnuea ........ zrom page z Buffalo diocese. The Holy Hour r~~" " -ii!'"
the family, and is constantly pass- I, ~h~u an,~ infinite natience be* siGns centered around the biblical,/ ( .... ). will be sponsored by the Diocesan
ing from one to the other---andI cau*~e o'f ianoran~e or~ thepapal, liturgical anal personal [August 16 to 20, in conjunction
eacl~ one of them has its ownI *,art of the ~I~ussian beoPle of bases for the lay apostolate, to-/with th~ 92nd National Conven- Holy Name union. .,~ .,~. ..... :~
particular inflhence and its ownI ~t~e American way of life getl'mr with the specialized activ-|ti0n of the Catholic Union of ~cherYlJ;
particular value pattern .... I 'The crude direct way of life Sties Of the organizations within ~America.' Vlllanova Graduates 105 . ~ .~., .;
.... Tn all of them, the apostolate] of the Russians, they obser-the apostolate. Speakers mclud-[ The Motto for the1947 Natmnal Villanova, Pa. 0D--Ninety-sixr ...... (~-Ld'Year:'~n ) : ': ::'ili~'~';~,~
is the link bet~ween the spiritual[ , ,,,~ ~ th,~ to th.eir b~einf ed. the Rev. James O'Toole of/Conventior/ has been taken from members Of religious communities
em oral in the erson .......... : i nd Toledo; .the Rev Stephen Az~derl the address of His Holiness Pope . "_~ _~----:""~':":
and the t p ~p I deprived of the hbert es a "" " " " l/ . . were . among, the . I05 graduates " Fine x~t~d[ty~State --'----]1L]:°.Ap--~--d'-~-:'~'o, pr.~);i!~l~
.......of the iav_ anosfle._ . At ,th'e ~same I ~,.,~,~,~,,,~ ........... v,h,es of life.' oz ~a t:rosse, wis.; the Rev. Thee- Plus XII to the Cardinals As- who received degreeScommencementat the 30th .
l~ime he is a member~ of the I '~ : . .... , dote M. Heshburgh, C.S.~., ,of / sembled in VatiCan City in 1946: summer session I ~:
MYstical Body and a mel~ll~ei'of| Principal.lay speaker at theNotre Dame; Msgr. LuigiLigutti,['*NoCbxistta.ffhasthe right; to :xercises of Vfllanova College I ~~
1 The two trl Kee an of executive secretary Nabonal Ca ---- = - ~ , fi~tk~~
numerous in stitu~'0fis. ' ' ; ]~0nference wasps "ck g • j ....~ + ' ~" r ~' ~ r " ' -Ishow himself tired 0f th~ fight " , ~earcy '
chnrtot be kept in separate c6m-/ London, End general secretary ~nonc 4xural 4=i!e ~:onzere.l?4ce the |...~:..~, ,~.~ .,.,: .. ~,: .......... ~ '
...... RevLouis J c SC .................... ,oo .... "°°" PLANTERS "
partments--both are necessary for/of.the Internahonal Young Chris- ~ • . .... ,1~.. ,. " " " [" " "' m .......... 1 nder ' ' " ' " , ' " ' '~' ~ ' ' ' " .... '"
the Tetal. Chvist." . : '~ : / tian Workers mo¢emeh~i Mr; Notre Dame. and the Rev. .Wil- [ zoaay. ~ at~ers _lztt e u
' . " ]~r,~-,~an o,~oke on behalf of~'the liam Quinn of Chicago |what forms, With :what methods,
,' ~ .... ", ~ o1~ , .... ~ ; ~ , . . . , :. ,
Rupiahs Oppbse Commtm, st . |youngworkers of.theworld and c,.l..,..__,Al.,.,..,^ . ,.. . . .~ ~.= ..~ .**~ ~..~. |weapons,. words entmmg . or IMPLEME T:;
Rule, Resistance Aides S~y . ~tressed the importance of m ...... • • , .... (' ~ '
....... ....| • ,, " " "ani" Vatican ..~itv~. (It)'.__ ........... q~ ~,,,th ~e/menacing and m what d~sgmse the N
Ind 1E) ' A'tresertmg the whole of Chmsu D' - . , " . •
Notre Dame .... - [ ................ u. ...... 1- Archbishop Jehn 1V~arm Masson 'of[enemy h~des himself. No one can
• v /m'° me whom ,~e o~ ~ue ...... " " .... ' " .... ' C:"P :NYoMA C Lu--berm
...... ov er li tne worKez m ~ueg ' , , .. ....... J.
lution ~s taking place m. S - [ .~ ............. . ported by Osservatore ' Romano./^.~C^ ...~.~: .2~.~e.~. ~r~.s. .~.~......~ . • .~ ' ' ~ ,~'. .
i-t Russia today with at least • ~toctuglven Olgflll, y • -- :.. - ............ /l) ~ ~ w~ ~u~u u a l~ , uuw~u
e .~ | ~ memDer or me ululates o~ ~vlary| . ,, '
90 ercent of the RUssian peG- Insisting that attempts to buildImmaculate he was ~,~rn ~,~ ~o izead, and trembhng knees.
le opposed to the c0mmun- the life of the workin~ cross on Biolle, Archdiocese of Chamber ~::
f;t regime controllin'g thelr [ Christ must begin with the work: on March 21, 1876. He was co~-' ~0,000 Men Expected John Deere Farm
countr . This is the opinion ing class, Mr. t-~eegan remi~aea C ecrated Arch'-i ho ........... i'~:'~i~t~
Y | "" " "'h "--r h "tare " u s p oz t:ommDo At Btfffalo Holy Hour All Kinds of Bugd Material
of competent observers from/ the priests mat t e L:rm c , ~ , in 1938 Equlpment
e r szstance movements m I and all authorities can and should " "" = "u"f " -
th e" " ..... , .... ~ z am (E)---More than 50,000 , ~
several Soviet occupied coun ~ help, butcanno~ rel~mce ~ne ' Take care to be considerate
- • " " " st • men are expected to take part in Larro Feeds
tries, who reported first-hand [ young worker m this. conque and prachce sympathy. Because a ............. PHONE 233
information to more than 100 I of himself and the worKing, mas- the Blessed Virgin Mary was real-
priests attending the Fifth An- I ses. The young wor~er, ,mere- ly-merciful, she made it a rule on the night of September 24, Seeds & Fertilizer
nual Study Week for Priests [ fore, must be trainea, organizes, to help others in distress" one of the ceremonies of the Eu- Searcy Arka~
held at the University of /and given the formation necessary " . ........... J-~ ....... ,~,~ Seatcy Arkamas
Notre Dame. Speakers from | to penetrate and become the "
the resistance movement can leaven of the .masses. In order
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