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Newspaper Archive of
Arkansas Catholic
Little Rock, Arkansas
August 12, 1966     Arkansas Catholic
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August 12, 1966
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LV Official Announcement GUardian Official %blicafion of CDiocese or ffittle 00och LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. AUGUST 12, 1966 i Diocese of Little Rock 305 West Second Street s Excellency, The Most Reverend Bishop, announces the following clerical appointments: !,. Barre--.Assistant, Christ the King I)arish, Smilh, Arkansas Earl j. Bootll--Pastor, St. 13arbara's Parish, l)cQueen, E. Busby--.Chal)lam, St. Fdwatd's Mercy llos- Forl Smith, Arkansas ,eherre, P. Cardwell--l, aculty of St. johlCs Seminary, Rock, Arkansas D. Colavechio--Facully of St. Jt,hn's Seminary, l(ock, Arkansas Lawrence A. Frederick -- Faculty of Cath(dic High IAltle Rock, Arkansas Frederick W. Gunti -- Assistant, Immaculate Cmlcel)- Parish, liythevilie, Arkmlsas Thomas W. Keller--Ass)slant, St. Thomas Aquinas Par- Fayetteville, A Joh,'a J. Kettler l'aslor, St. l'eier's larish, Wynne, iCharles F. Kordsmeier--Vice Chancellor of the Diocese ittle Rock R. L:.mge  Assistant, hnnlaculale Conception Norlh IAttle Hock, Arkansas, with ill(' care (ff the al .lacksonville. Rex,. Msgr. Thomas It. Litlis- Chal)lain, St. Mi- v, , .... ] I ltospital, lexml, ah,, Arkausas Iarohl D. LuneanmAssistant, St. Joseptl's Parish, Pine Arkansas. Patrick M. Lynch--l)astor, St. Paul's t'arish, Pocahontas, Vincent E. Maguire -- Adminiutrator of St. Thomas [Iliads l)m.ish, Fayetteville, Arkansas, and Acting Direr- Of the Calholic Studenl Center, l,'ay,tteville E. Mancini -- l,'acully of Catholic lligh School, [lock, Arkansas John j. Mci)aniel--Pastor, St. John's Parish, Malvern, &dam A. Micek--l)astor. Mater Dei Parish, tlarrison, L. Pallo  Chaplain, St. Vincent's Infirmary, lh:ck, Arkansas M. Smith--Assistant, St. Mary's l'arish, lIot Arkansas J. Bruce Streett--On leave for study ,ichard M. Strock--Assistant, Iloly Souls Parish, Little Arkansas A. TorresFacul%' of St. John's Seminary, Lit- Arkansas By order of the Bishop: Ilight Reverend Monsignor Joseph A. Murray, V. G. Chancellor Q , Silver Jubilarians Ono red at St. Scholastica's ;naith _ "Being a sign world that the king- exists is the pri- of the religious in Itch today," said The ev. Michael Lensing, of New Subiaco at a Jubilee Mass last in St. Scholastica have the responsibility to Christ in the Scrip- the Church through Spirit speaks, and difficulties of our Abbot continued, us- text "This is My be- )n in whom I take de- tSten to Itim" from tim the Transfiguration. Lg 60 years of spiritual, social and cultural the people of Arkan- uri, and Texas were avia Kehres, O.S.B., and her younger sister, Sister Gregory, O.S.B. Silver jubilarians, Benedic- tine Sisters Mary James Flad- ung, Charlene IAndeman, Adel- ma Pabst, Christine Eckart, Carmela Montalvo, and Sabina Gillespie add Oklahoma to the list of states served and health care to the list of services ren- dered. Concelebrants of the High Mass honoring the diamond affd silver jubilarians were Tim Rev. Placidus Eckart, O.S.B., brother of Sister Christine; The Rev. Louis Hiegel,. S.J., cousin of Sister Sabina; The Right Rev. Msgr. James E. O'Connell and The Rev. John Bloms, O.S.B. With the clergy and jubilar- ians, the community walked in tile entrance procession behind See JUBILEES on Page 2 Sentry Says: People Should Be Taught About Politics. lurch lids .Used Psychiatr.y and Vocational for Centuries. VICE CHANCELLOR -- The Rev. Charles F. Kortlsmeier, above, a member of the dioc- esan matrimonial tribmml for several years and chaplain of St.. Vincent Infirmary, Little Rock, for the past eight years, ires been apl)einted a Vice Chancellor of the Diocese of IAttlc Rock by Ills Excellency Bish()p Albert L. Fleicher. Fa- ther Kordsmeier was born in Morrilton February 2, 1927. Ite studied at Sacred Heart ele- menl ary and high schools there, at St. ,lohn's tIome Mis- sions Seminary in Little Rock, and at the North American Col- lege in Rome before his ordina- tion in the Eternal City in 195:l. Suhsequently he taught at St. John's and at Catholic Itigh School, Little Rock, before be- ing assigned to St. Vincent In- firmary in 1,958. Reds Violate Neutral Zone Dong Ha, Vietnam (l£)--There are 20 or .more helicopters on the wide, uneven landing zone here. This is the LSA, Logistics Supply Area, for Operation tIastings, in which U.S. Marines and Vietnamese troops are battling a large, well-equipped North Vietnam conmmnist force that came straight across the demarcation line and the demilitarized zone. Helicepters carried troops back and forth. Some carried wounded from the scattered combat areas. Others brought supplies to battalion CPs nee VIETNAM on Page U Read Qi VI¢? on Pag e 4 School Debate NO. 32 Prayer Stresses Secularistic Trend Washington (NC)Unless a constitutional amendment is passed to allow voluntary prayer in schools, the Supreme Court's "prayer" decisions "must operate to destroy every surviving instance of public reverence in the land,'" a priest- spokesman for thousands of Americans told the Senate sub-emnmittee on constitutional amendments here. Father Robert G. llowes, as- sociate professor of engineer- ing at the Catholic University of America, made that com- mcnt in testifying on behalf of Citizens for Public Prayer, Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of Worcester, the Worcester (Mass.) Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, and Worces- te," Mayor George Wells. But the amendment "is not for school prayer alone," he said, "but rather to arrest once and for all at the prayer point a tn'ocess of secularism which, unless radically checked, must erode away all public rever- ellce." Citing national ,polls, resolu- tions by school boards and boards of selectmen in Massa- chusetts cities, congressmen's polls of their districts, Father Ilowes said "upwards of 80 per cent of our fellow citizens" favor the prayer amendment. As one indication, he offered "more than 100,000" signatures on petitions gathered by Citi- zens for Public Prayer. He assailed the "culpable am- biguity" of religious leaders who oppose the amendment, and called them "generals with- out armies," who "do not have even their own congregants with them." The Rev. Arthur C. Barnhart, executive secretary of the nee PRAYER on Page 7 Holy Day The Guardian office, 311 West Second Street, Little Rock, will be closed next Mon- day, August 15, in observance of the Feast of the Assumption, a holy day of obligation. Nation Attends Wedding Washington (E) -- Tile United States wont to a wedding last Saturday. The bride was Luci Baines Johnson, 19, of this city; the bridegroom was Patrick John Nugent, 23, of Waukegan, I11. Hosts to some 700 of those attending in person were Presi- dent and Mrs. Lyndon Bathes Johnson, parents of the bride. ttosts to other millions were the three nationwide television networks. For the first wedding of a member of an incumbent first family to take place in a Cath- olic church, the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception was set with a background of white flowers and great masses of greenery contrasting with tile Shrine's massive and brilli- ant mosaic of Christ in Majes- ty. Kneeling on a double kneeler in the sanctuary of the church, and flanked by maid of honor Lynda Bird Johnson and Gerard Nugent, Sr., proxy best-man and father of the bridegroom, Luci and Pat consented to marriage according to the ancient rite of the Church. Witnessing the marriage was Father John A. Kuzinskas of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, Chicago, a longtime friend of tim bridegroom. The marriage ceremony foi, See WEDDING on Page 2 SEVEN UUNDRED YEARS of Columbianism is represented by the 12 Knights of Columhus ahove, all melnhers of Little Rock Council No. 812. They were among 15 Knights honored re- fin' having held active n]emhership in the order for at leasL 50 years, lasted with the years of their initiation as Knights, they re'e, fron) left. first row--Bernard J. Leasing, nf Memphis, Tenn., 1904; William Gihnore, St'., of Little Rock, 1916; II.arry Elliott of Little ]{ock, 1916; Joseph C. Carroll, Jr., of Little sing of Memphis, Tenn., 1904; Albert J. Hepp of IAttle Rock, 1906; John W. Keller of Little Roclc, 1913; John P. O'Malley of IAtile Rock, 1912; A. Metrailer of Little Rock, 1906; and Ralph S. IIunt of North Little Rock, 1915, Un- able to attend the ceremoLqes were three other 50-year memhers, The Very Rev. Msgr. Edward P. Garrity of St. Joim's Home Missions Seminary, Little Rocl¢. initiated in 1916; S)lvester Lukas- zewicz of North Little Rock, 1914; and Joseph Malhanl of Brinkley, 1916. Master oil Cere- Rock, 1899; Rudolph (Rail)h) Bohny of North monies for the program was George Mather. Ice- tie Rock, 1916 Second low -- Ilerman J. Len- turer of Little Rock council, i Little Rock, 1905; and Baeder F. Busby of Lit- The program chairman was Joseph glade5',