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August 5, 1960 |
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AUGUST 5, 1960
(From N.C.W.C.
Polish Priest Jailed
Berlin A priest its commu-
nist-ruled Poland has been sen-
tenced to 3O months in jail, ac-
cording to reports reaching here.
Father Jan Kus, a professor
of canon law at the seminary in
Gorzow, was sentenced on a
charge of hiding a woman sought
by police for embezzlement, re-
ports said.
Soviets Found University
Of 'Scientific Atheism'
Rome, --Soviet Union author-
ities have founded a university
of "scientific atheism" at the
city of Dnepropetrovsk in the
Ukraine, according to reports
received here.
According to the reports,
chemical experiments will be
conducted at the center to "re-
fute scientifically the existence
News Service)
of God." These experiments aim
to prove that the world, life
and different kinds of living spe-
cies were able to begin existence
without the creative action of
Elsewhere in the Ukraine, an
institute at Vinnitsa has been
organized to foster "scientific
and atheist education of students
within the school framework."
The reports indicated that de-
spite the buildup of atheism in
the Ukraine, there has been a
stubborn clinging to religion.
The newspaper, Robotnyschna
Gazeta, published in Kiev, re-
cently deplored the existence of
a "catacomb church" in the city
of Dnepropetrovsk, seat of the
new university of atheism. The
paper said young people have
gathered together in secret to
pray in common and read the
British Television Criticized
By Committee It Organized
London, (E) -- A committee
set up by Britain's television
networks to evaluate the impact i
of television on children has l
roundly reproached the networks
for broadcasting "drivel" and
debasing material.
The committee, created by the
British Broadcasting Corpora-
tion and the Independent Tele-
vision Authority, pointed out
that between 34 and 81 per cent
of all British children watch
television during the three peak
hours from 8 to 9 P.M.
The committee commented on
various kinds of entertainment
presented by the television net-
works during those hours.
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--On shows featuring violence:
"The committee believes that
even if no scientific evidence yet
exists for the harmful effects of
such violent incidents, common
sense argues that the cumula-
tive effect of their constant rep-
etition is more likely to be in-
jurious for children than not."
--On popular songs: "Too
many lyrics broadcast are mere-
ly drivel and have a generally
debasing tone which is to be
deprecated. Much of the empha-
sis ill these lyrics is not on sen-
timentality, which has its gen-
erally innocuous place, but on
a degraded attitude to sex."
--On plays: "A casual ap-
)roach to marital fidelity is of-
ten discernible, going beyond
:he license traditionally permit-
:ed to comedy."
--On quiz shows: "The night-
ly gloating over rich rewards for
)uny efforts must in the long
term encourage the development
of a false set of values in rela-
tion both to money and to know-
The committee analyzed the
problem as follows:
"The core of the problem is
the need to ensure that children
are not given an insufficiently
varied picture of the adult world
by the rapid succession of pro-
grams to which, by the nature
of the medium, they are expos-
"While the adult may be able
to evaluate what he sees, chil-
dren may not..."
The committee recommended
that the BBC and the ITA for-
mulate a joint statement com-
mitting themselves to the pre-
sentation of programs suited for
children during the peak hours
of viewing.
It declared that broadcasters
cannot leave to parents the en-
tire responsibility of supervising
the television fare of children.
Campbell, Mallory
Calvert & Hornor
Aetna Floor Wallace Bldg.
Little Rock, Arkansas
]Phone FR 4.0225
Thank You For Your Support
I deeply appreciate all the help and support
': by my friends in Pulaski and Perry Coun-
ties, and I am grateful for the confidence so
many of my fellow citizens showed by vot-
ing for me July 26th. I hope to merit the
honor through my service as your Prose-
cuting Attorney.
Rome Post
Msgr. Joseph Zryd, (above)
Vicar General of the Diocese
of Marquette, Mich, has been
named spiritual director of the
postgraduate house of Rome's
North American College. He
will take up his post at Casa
Santa Maria dell'Umilta, on
September 1. (NC Photo)
ftolds Today's
I'outh Spoiled
By Easy Living
New Orleans, ba.--As things
stand now are American youth
the hope of the future? Or are
they only carbon copies of their i
It is the contention of a Jesuit
educator who for the past 14
years has traveled the nation
lecturing to young people that
the youth of today has had it too
"Everything has been handed
to them on a silver platter," The
Rev. Louis J. Twomey, S.J., staff
member of the Summer School
of Catholic Action and director
of the Institute of Industrial Re-
lations at Loyola University,
pointed out.
"Consequently they are just as
willing to accept the problems
of the under-privileged as nor-
mal state of affairs as long as it
does not affect them.
"The idea of unemployment,
migratory labor, interracial in-
justice, etc., makes no real im-
pact on their conscience," he
The Jesuit priest believes that
our young people.are , not suf-
ficiently alive to the problems
which face us nationaiy and im
"Since they have had it so
good," Father Twomey explain-
ed, "it is difficult for immature
minds raised in an atmosphere
if prosperity to appreciate what
it means when we say that three
out of four of the people in the
world go to bed hungry each
The result is that they are
not too concerned about striv-
ing to eliminate the material
hardships of the Far East, La-
tin America and on the Conti-
nent of Africa, he remarked.
The problem in those areas
are so remote from them that
by and large they don't see why
they should sacrifice their own
standard of living in order to
raise the standard of living of
the under-privileged peoples of
the world.
"And in this they are scarce-
ly more than following the ex-
amples of their elders," Father
Twomey emphasized.
"Youth must be taught that
in very important respects they
ARE their brothers' keeper.
"They must be convinced that
Christian democracy demands
great sacrifices and that if they
are unwilling to make these sac-
rifices that their future will be
Carl Meurer, Sr., Late Father of CUA
Official, Pic.A00eered Local Movement
Descendants of German Cath- SibSy ue tlcY?gn,e%einto:/llq
olic immigrants who settled in m at n
Arkansas about 90 years ago, where he was employed as a
owe a debt of gratitude to the tutor of a Prince's children. He
late Carl Meurer, Sr., who pub- traveled with the Prince's fam-
lished a newspaper in Little ily throughout Germany, Aus-
Rock for his fellow countrymen tria, France, Italy and Spain.
for nearly 40 years. Following his military tutor-
He was the father of Carl ship, he continued to travel, tak-
Meurer, Jr., who is general ing various jobs for a personal
chairman in charge of arrange- observation of the laboring man
meats for the national conven-
tion of the Catholic Central Un-
ion of America, opening today
in Little Rock.
The senior Mr. Meter was one
of the principal figures in the
founding of the Catholic Union
of Arkansas which held its or-
ganizational meeting in Logan
County near Paris, Ark., in 1890.
This historic meeting gave birth
to "The Arkansas Echo", a week-
ly German newspaper published
for the first time on December
31, 1891, with Mr. Meurer as
its editor. Familiarly known as
"Der Echo-Mann", Mr. Meurer
served as editor for nearly 40
years, until he was fatally strick-
en in his newspaper office the
evening of January 10, 1930, at
the age of 80.
True to Motto
During these years of publica-
tion, the Echo remained true to
the motto which headed every
edition, "Newspaper for truth
and lucidity in political and so-
cial questions". It was the edi-
toffs aim to further the common
interest of German Catholics of
Arkansas and to keep them in-
formed on legislative matters,
especially regarding schools and
The late Monsignor Lucey,
one-time editor of The Guardian,
praised the efforts of Mr. Meurer
in a book entitled, "The Catholic
Church in Arkansas". "Mr. Meu-
rer's persistent efforts to give
the Catholics a good newspaper
is typical of his efforts generally
of aiding Catholicism in the
state, and he should, and no
doubt will, go into Catholic his.
tory of the state as one of the
really great and good men. The
Echo fought the hard fight, kept
the people together and afforded
them the means of communicat-
ing with each other. Its aim is
to make the German Catholics
the best of citizens, and it is
Tribute from Verein
At his death this dedicated
editor was described as "not a
modernist, for he was minded to
do anything rather than to yield
to the spirit of the world and
bow to the idols of the day."
These were sentiments express.
ed in the Social J;Jstice lviv,
national publication of the Cath-
olic Central Union of America.
"He is a unique character, a man
of self-initiative, activity and
dogged perseverance. These
traits explain the continued pub-
lication of the Arkansas Echo
for 39 years," said the editorial
written by a close friend.
The story of his early life ex-
plains why he became a news-
paper editor and why he was so
well fitted for this role.
He was born May 25, 1849 in
Wipperfuerth, Germany, son of
a wholesale grocer. Shortly
afterward his father died leav-
ing the mother with the burden
of supporting and educating
four young children. Young
Meurcr took a job in a woolen
cloth factory, working 10 to 12
hours a day. On Saturday night
he walked to a neighboring town
where he spent the night with a
To Appeal Ban
On Film Censors
Harrisburg, Pa., (E) -- Penn-
sylvania's attorney general said
the state will appeal a ruling
striking down the new Motion
Picture Control Act as uncon-
C.U.A. Pioneer
St., (above)was one of the
prime movers in the organiza.
tion of the Catholic Union of
priest who instructed him in
secular subjects and the teach-
ings of the Church. He mastered
Latin, higher mathematics, his-
tory and sociology, passing the
examination of the Royal Board
of Education with honors.
Firm in Faith
The owner of the woolen mills
grew increasingly fond of him.
Once while having dinner at his
employer's home, Carl's host
told him that if he would come
into the Lutheran Church and
marry his only child, the factory
would go to him at his death.
Carl politely refused to forsake
his Faith and that very night
packed his belongings and left
the town.
and the farmer.
On one job he offered a sug-
gestion which led to a very suc-
cessful operation. At an elabo-
rate dinner given in his honor
the astonished foreman asked
him why an educated man like
himself was doing the work of a
common laborer. He explained
he was studying the plight of
the laborer. He took this occa-
sion to admonish the foreman
about the small wages he was
paying. His reply was "T h e s e
people are happier than I. The
meat they can afford only once
a week gives them greater plea-
sure than I get from these deli-
cacies". In his note book, Carl
commented "He excused himself
with such false logic!"
In 1881 the Meurer family
joined many immigrants who
came to America and settled in
Arkansas. They formed a Ger-
man Catholic community ten
miles west of Little Rock.
Studied Marx
Carl, a brother and two sisters
acquired 120 acres of land and
tried farming for the first time.
When St. Edward's parish was
established in Little Rock, Carl
rode horseback to attend Sun-
day Mass. During his hours of
solitude on the farm, he gave:
careful study to the theories of
Carl Marx, comparing them to
Catholic principles, and devoted
much time to the Sacred Scrip-
Cardinal Depl,ores
nurcn, State
Los Angeles, (E) --His Emi-
nence James Francis Cardinal
McIntyre said here that while
Church and State are independ-
ent, a wall of division or antago-
nism cannot be built between
them in the strict theological
The Archbishop of Los Ange-
les said that "in ,the. evolution
of society, civil units govern
through man-made laws; in the
spiritual order, the Church in-
terprets the law of God.
"Church and State are inde-
pendent," he said, "but in jus-
tice, integrity and honesty, the
power of God dominates both;
therefore His jurisdiction em-
braces both.".
The Cardinal addressed the
St. Vincent de Paul Society here
at its commemoration of the ter-
centenary of the death of its
"The relationship between the
two societies," he said, "demands
that each should retain its own
sphere of authority and action
in pursuit of its proper end, op-
erating in a field of collabora-
tion and harmony and with a
common allegiance to the divine
laws which direct all human ac-
tions to their ultimate goal,
which is supernatural happiness.
"But in the strict theological
sense, you cannot build a wall
of division or antagonism be-
tween Church and State and
keep within the law of God.
State and Church trace their
origin and derive their author-
ity from the same one God and
have as their subjects the same
human beings," he said.
"Our's is a society existing un-
der God," he stated. "All crea-
tion exists in His mercy. We
are bound by the law of Gvd,
and the law of God is the law
After his two sisters died, he
moved to Little Rock leaving his
only brother in charge of the
farm. As a member of St. Ed-
ward's parish, he became the
first vice-president of St. Jos-
eph's Society, from which
emerged [he Catholic Union of
Arkansas, together with other
German Catholic societies. As a
result, he became editor of "The
Arkansas Echo" which was es-
tablished by the Catholic Union
of Arkansas.
On October 19, 1892, he mar-
ried Miss Mary Hohenschutz in
a ceremony at St. Edward's
Church in the presence of Fa-
ther Bonaventure Binzegger,
O.S.B. Of this union were born
three children, Carl J. Meurer,
Robert Meurer and Mary J.
Meurer, all of whom have lived
in the Mabelvale Community.
His son, Carl, is a member of
..... ': HOI
Lands Mu
l00ded, t
unich, ocr"l \\;\\
Italy See has urgli C"_
ence of Internat!0==
Organizations 'to (l
olics of the wh01e.- t
great fraternal e!lf_tii!
of the less-devcl°l] q$1p''
sent t
In a letter XXIII ha:
ence's general as
Holine Potc r
half of His ]., to th
XXIII, IIis Emin ad raied
Knighthood Cardinal Tardini (
that Catholics .lne ,:, ,:, ,..
their actions on t.n.i
Jefferson Caffery, (above) for- social and civil le. lp Gittscppe
mar U.S. diplomat to Cuba, to promote the de tie Sacrc
Brazil, France and Egypt, has these (underdeVelur Ifk,rgation,
been named a Knight of the Cardinal Tardti, .ur Ottawa
Grand Cross of the Order of retary of State tot taernationa
Plus IX, according to an an- pointed out tha,m Cngress.
dopted by this Jua' , ,..
nouncement from the Vatican. .
!ng of the generSl *
He is the only American so
The human and
vancement of na flO XXIII i:
decorated. (NC Photo) Irelates as
-=:: cess of develop 's of the
a serious obligat:' I of Bishops
olics. 'anent
Deeds to Irish He said: ¢lstlop Joh
Shrine Returned "Even at the prl'la/., ZSnationsOne o:
sacrifice on their £Ithe preparz
the part of the ic tile forthcu
To Catholics which they bel!llacil A
' 'Irad ' .
must work effectSv'i71l ' y of St.
in a world sec l.-,, ne D H
must strive tirele:Se amo:,31 " tl:
human betterme.110f eight
tian development d/ih religioul
favored nations a ], e Pope.
Monaghan, Ireland, (E) --Mass
at St. Macarten's cathedral here
highlighted ceremonies in which
the deeds to a historic island in
Laugh Derg were returned to e
the Catholic Church. The ConferenC 0 *
tional Catholic li * *
The island--Saint's Island--is, was founded in :red Con .....
according to tradition, the site includes such or'Uthor;,,,,.'i
of the original St. Patrick's the Internatmna -agua- •
Purgatory. Pilgrimages t h a t nussmn zor w, ul 't¢ TM of A €.i
started in St. Patrick's era con- ternational cath00 l)ernlits ca.lh
tinue to be made with tradi- reau, the Inter a, i:iirea, ....
.: .. uIll'lll Pa"% Ol
tional austerity. The 10-acre is- tion ot tatnolw :.. t.. . .
land also is the site of the me- Society of St. , 12'ramono
. .... ,o ar
dern Basilica of St. Patrick, Pax Romana ann for the C
which was consecrated in 1931 4"e receptior
and seats 1,000. Il'll'*' ? r about 30
The Church property on the Custom [,",
island was confiscated during Upholstering [, * *
• i!; of ,vine :
the religious persecutions of the Refinishing I1 Who will
17th century. It was finally pur- Repairing 4,2000 ' They
chased by the Leslie family, and • !:I, r his
it was Sir Shane Leslie who Complete linear .0.fob,,./.i. ''
handed over the deeds to Bishop of Fabrics
Eugene O'Callaghan of Clogher. • L//realed in a ]
Guaranteed _ XI writtc
Following a Mass at Monag-
Workmanship arlo. Cardi
han, some 70 miles northwest of ATTI N'l!Was his
Dublin, those participating in ." *
the ceremonies visited Saints' Is- ILOcUS005019 Base lee is sez
land, where the turning over of Dial ates to tl:
the deeds took place. z Congre;
!tl )! Offend
I ;eg held i',
to 20.
' XllI ha:
l!ets areal
ablates to :
St.,Edward's Parish, Mary, who F A M O US C H I L
still resides in the old family
home at Mabelvale, is a mem- Distributed by
bar of St. Theresa's parish, and Arkansas Packing Cam
Robert is deceased.
'German Day' 414 East Markham Street • Little Re
In an effort to gain the respect __
of their fellow citizens, the Ger-
man people staged "German
Day" in Little Rock in Oetober, BONE DRY ROOFI
1908. The prestige of the Ger-
man Americans was boosted
greatly during the celebration
which included speeches by the Nheet Metal We
governor, state and city officials J E Hcrnibro
and a big parade with brass
bands. The next year a similar . • I/P
event was staged in Fort Smith. I:'R
Both were sponsored by the 924 East Third St. Phone ,-
Catholic Union of Arkansas.
Shortly afterward legislation
designed to benefit the German
people was introduced. The Echo
strongly endorses these bills,
some of which were vigorously
opposed by other Little Rock
Though the Arkansas Echo has
long since ceased publication,
the complete series will be for-
ever preserved in the library of
the Central Bureau in St. Louis, l
Me. Only last year permission BAKERY
was granted to micro-film every
issue, after several historians in- Complete Birthday Parties --
quired about a German language Little Rock North L
newspaper. 5817 Kavanaugh 711
And so the work of "Carl 5412 W. 12th St. 1716
Meurer -- Pioneer Editor" will
live on.
--JOHN T. JERNIGAN. not any more promising than Atty. Gem Anne X. Alpern of all." i I[
that of their parents," Father said "it was always understood The Cardinal said that the tra- The General Public
Twomey said. by all the parties that there dition of "separation of Church
Political Ad Paid by John 'r. Jernigan. The picture is not completely would have to be a determina- and State" as interpreted wide- Is Invited To Attend The
bleak Father Twomey said. tion by the appellate courts of ly today is not consistent with
There are significant numbers Pennsylvania and also by the the original meaning of the
of youth who are very much Supreme Court of the United phrase. CIVIC FO RUM
COMPLETE LINE OF-- concerned with justice in na- States." "Separation of Church and
tional and international affairs. : Judge Walter R. Sohn of Dau- State as used by Thomas Jeffer-
• China • Glassware OCooking Utensils But this type of youth is look- phin County Court ruled July son in a figure of speech meant
oRanges O Dishwashers o_Tables ing for leadership and inspira-30 in a 100-page opinion that freedom from any state.imposed J[[iiil: OF THE
• Chairs • Counters end Back Bars tion. the censorship measure, signed religion," he said.
into law last September by Gov. "In the early days of our ha- 105TH ANNUAL CONVENTION
ITEMS NEEDED FOR-- ::= David Lawrence, inhibits free- tion, fugitives from religious
e Schools o Rostaurants e ClubsandHotels dom of expression and is vague persecution came here seeking CATHOLIC CENTRAL UNION
LET US PLAN YOUR KITCHEN OR CAFETERIA Repairs Planned for and indefinite, freedom of worship, in their na-
-- Also Used Equipment -- 166-YearOld CathedrM Suits attacking the law were tire countries, religion w a s
brought by William Goldman state-imposed.
..... " "7 :" - ...... of Philadelphia, " founding fathers of the ,--i ........ [
New Orleans, (E) A mx month, Theatres Inc The
KREBS BROS. SUPPLY CO.t Inc. ,$1eu,uuu program oi repalrs wuz the Pennsylvania Association of United States sought to elimi- • III. It IIrHIIF It [* _ --
413 West Capitol Avenue Little Rock, Arksnsas De c.arriea out at historic St. Amusement Industries and the hate such state-imposed religion - /4/VIl:hl./4 kuONTRA
J, oms eathearal, ouil in 1794. 20th Century Fox Film Corpora. and to guarantee individual free- -- ---- _ L, " & Eo,.
Repairs will include the insert- tion. dam of worship," he said. h | t | |fil ?l |qP| | I P I aa AIl.t a [ a f [th ..,9,,
ing of steel beams in the ceiling , KIJ| ll [II/NKINW/ RA I I I,- ,.[' ""--- IF
e whlch Ili 1V/ lV/1 I11-1/ |I[|. V Jl I 1
alongside wooden on s " j[ J :][11 --.
have deteriorated and in the cen-] [ t'' t:e' I as.nn * , ,.
FINANCE FIRST--- tral tower, where the wooden]l V/z rv I VVlll nve rsls t\\; °
beams dates back to 1850. The]l i ,
,hen buy fs°undatirynSi[lhersancfstYdand'[ = "" i t::000072
• ' . Leon ara l:llis E X P O S E F.RKI
as you select your new car. I .... ill FoR Itl OF
Low bank rates and sensible For Reservation Ill II '
terms, save you money. Finance, , ]J SHERIFF OF GARLAND COUNTY C 0 M M U N IS M
your 60 at First National. .A'LS - TRAV./, a/ u • .
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• --- II Keue:r :Kruger III LEONARD ELLIS '] 2.30...P M Sunday Auaust 7, 1960, Z30, .., . p.M' ,,]|: ' d;'":o
MEMBER: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporatio. Tra e u Sheriff of Garland County III A D M IS S I O N F R " " , il:Y,