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Arkansas Catholic
Little Rock, Arkansas
June 21, 1913     Arkansas Catholic
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June 21, 1913
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Southern should in every e tl, ROCK ........ TH E SO U.TH ERN GUARDIAN ........ HAS RECORD ,,A catholic i[ paper is a per- pctual mission." Pope Leo XIII. The Official Organ of the Diocese of Little Rock, Arkansas ...... /. 51. iiil ..................................................... Little Roek, Arkansas, Saturday, June 21, 1913 Number 15 AL INSTITUTION PASSES LAND OF PROMISE REALMS OF FACTS AND DEEDS. Where Real is Paramount the game played with Arkansas for tile State championship. The hopes for success in athletics in the future are much brighter than ever and if they equal the success attained in • studies during the past year, then in- deed will Little Rock be foremost in all branches. The ollege has ever endeavored to put in practice ideas of.a real Catholic education• Ix follows the method that the Church has follow- ed for centuries, modified only to meet the exigencies of the age and country in which we live. Its watchword is "Develop the entire man, his soul, his mind, his body." She surrounds the young meta who are her students with all those en- for Future Growth and vironments and inducements that tend Are Flattering to develop the entire man. Her pro- Catholics Should Matte Their Liters and Their Dislit00es Known (By Rt. Rev. J. M. Lucey, V. G•) Editor of The Southern Guardian. [she learned from a priest that she The Yale students in their prompt[had deeply insulted the Catholics of and manly apology for a recent in-]tile town who were preparing to lay • i I suit to Cathohc Sisterhoods suggest the matter before the amhorities of to Catholics what course is best to her church, she apologized profusely take when similar things are done anywhereInsults of this kind are in nearly every tase the result of ignorance, if Catholics would be quicker in resenting carictures of their religion, they would find that their Protestant fellow citizens wouhl and declared that she had no idea that her frolic would be viewed in that light• She begged that the mat- ter would not be placed before her pastor as it would mean her im- mediate discharge as organist of the chzrch. The matter was then dropped. homa and George A. Williams of l'oplar Grove, Ark. The official program was inter- "spersed with choice selections by the boys' rohestra and glee club, and in conclusion the Very Rev. Dr. Stocker, O. S. B., presiding in the absence of the Rt. Rev. President, Abbot Ignatius Conrad, delivered an address of which we give the sub- stance in the sequel: Commencement Address. Another acadcn ic year has come to 'its close. At the distribution of premiums and medals which you 'have witnessed all have not been fortunate enough to carry off a prize. But this is in the nature of the case that on similar occasions only a minority are winners of the first 'honors though many have been thank them for their action. As a AN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION IS ORGANIZED SUB'IACO COLLEGE GRADU- ATES FORM ORGANIZATION WITH SEVENTY-ONE CHARTER MEMBERS. All Students Welcomed To Their Alma Mater Rt. Rev. Bishop Sends Congratula- tions and Blessing to Members of New Organization. Banquet Bishop and Priests Have Builded Well. Rock College has completed, successfully completed its fifth It is no longer in the land of and hopes, but rather in accomplished facts and deeds. an old Latin adage that saysr end crowns the work," and the t on June the fifth fitting crown for the work ae- shed during the five years of Never before had the Little Rock seen the conferr- degrees, and never tad it seen such a solemn, and successful commence- as was attested by the e°ngratulations the faculty have received. looking back the five years history, we of the faculty can SUch a great success should yn the Work of the College; and not only we, but also the public aware of the work Little has done and will do future. Five years ago the John B: Morris, D. D. op of Little Rock, founded the eg.e in one of the most ideal m tLh e City of Little Rock sur- led uy the most beautiful homes e city• The beginning of the ge was Small, consisting mere- one School building, which is USed as a recitation hall.hooA  time it was only a day sc to meet the necessities naturally expanded into a boarding following year the gym- lfling was completed being "fessors are men who work not for rule intelligent Protestants or Jews the mere emolument they they re- will not knowingly insult Catholic ceive, but rather because in their feeling. work they accomplish something Tee Yale apology was as"follow'--': for the Kingdom of God, namely the "To the Citizens of New Haven: • mak!ng of good Christian men and "We, the undersigned, realizing A few years afterwards in Pine brave fighters. However all of you Bluff in the season of the skating have been on the'gaining side if we rink craze, at one of the masquerade determine the gain not by outward balls, a lady appeared in the robes of "accidentals but by inward essentials. a Sister of Charity. It happened A medal and a prize are very fine that a half dozen Catholic ladies things to carry home in noets pocket, • good American citizens. There effort is not only to train the mind, but also to build up character, to check and correct the tendencies of the flesh, and to instill and strengthen high ideals. In the onward course of time the College will grow as it has in the past and in a few years will take the place for 'which it is fitted, the fore- most Catholic college in the South- sidered insulting, and more particu- larly since we have given offense west. For, as has been truly said: "Its foundations have not been laid to the Catholics of New Haven, we by the united efforts of a number would have it understood that out" of individuals, it has not expanded disgutse was meant m no sense parody upon any tdn flourished by means of gifts whatever as a nd donations from philanthropic form of the Catholic Church. We minded persons; but it owes its alone are to. blame .f°r, the un.. existence and enlargement solely to fortunate' mtsunderstandmg. Seven or eight years ago in Pine the personal efforts of His Lordship, that by our thoughtless conduct dur- were present at the moment as ing the Omega Lambda Chi celebra- spectators and mild participants. tion on Monday last, when by taking Immediately they surrounded the part in the proceedings, disguised as masquerader and told her "'now you nuns, we showed an unintentional take those things off right here or we will pull them off." The lady violation of good taste and common decency, do hereby -.ffer to the citi- begged to be allowed to stay a zens of New Haven a public apology minutes or two when she would re- tire. All kinds of excuses were given for our conduct, which was con- and it quickly became evident that and to show off among relatives and friends as trophies of victory in the intellectual arena: but more im- portant than a medal on the coat is that which is in the mind and in the "heart, And in this respect I say, my "friends, you all have something to carry home with you from college. "You came for an education, and an "education you have obtained either pure ignorance of good form in partially developed or entirely society was the cause of her mis- "matured. Education may be eom- fortune. She disrobed, however, pared to the growth of a plant: in sufficiently to remove all insignia some of you it is barely sprouting, in and returned home to the satisfac- others it has grown nto the blade, tide of her captors. These inci- n others again' the blossom is bud- dents were kept out of the daily ding, n others the full-blown flower papers at the time as there was no desire to add humiliation to discom- fiture. There cannot be any doubt the Rt. Rev. Bishop and the dio- cesan priests• It is a school of his and of their making and as such should appeal to every loyal heart the State of Arkansas." Charles Jaeobus, St. John's Seminary. Bluff when a Mardi Gras celebration was in progress, a young lady music that if Catholics would make known teacher and organist in one of the their ideas on such features in city Protestant Churches appeared general newspaper articles and in in the robes of af Sister of Mercy. club meetiv,, neither Protestants She thought that her action was in-[nor Jews would think of giving expressibly funny and so did some offense to their religious feeling. of her friends. Next morning whent J.M. LUCEY, V. G. has broken forth shedding its Ira- grants, in others finally the fruit has • reached maturity. "case of graduates. and Entertainment. Special to The Southern Guardian, On June xI, forty students of Subiaeo college retttrned to their Alma Mater for the purpose of organizing an Alumni Association. This initial meeting was appropriate- ly coincident-with the completion of the twenty-fifth year O f the existence 'of the College, and was featured by the eelbration of his First Holy Mass by Rev. Anthony Vorster, 'o7. The organization was first sug- gested about a year by Rev. Father Tynin, Hot Springs, Ark., 'o6, and the enthusiasm with which the idea was responded to by the "old boys" as evinced by their letters and'utter- ances at the meeting, tells that it was a timely one. When invitations were sent out by the committee for preliminary work to students eligible for membership, the applications This latter is the came in quick and fast. Seventy- one have been enrolled as Charter members, of which number forty at- Now, nay dear students, when I say that you carry home a precious treasure with your education, you ex- pect me to expatiate briefly on the 'merits of an education. Educaton is a matter of both the mind and the heart: in the mind it spells knowledge tended the meeting, the rest express- 'ing their regret that they were us- "avoidably detained from being pres- ent. , Upon their arrival at Subiaeo, the old students were met and saluted at - and skill, in the heart it spells the depot by the college band con- BUILD 373 CHURCHES " ['Co Catholics inthe United States built Annunciation I mmencement At chat-a'cter. And in both respects edu- sisting of twenty pieces, and wel- -- cation is a treasure of exceeding comed by the faculty and students. The first meeting was called to ast year 373 churcl'es at an estimated Academy Has Subiaco College I value" Education imparts, in the first order at loa. m., June ix, by Father cost of $7,5oo,ooo. Successful E tl Luke, O. S. B., as chairman of the Go d Clo 'committee on preliminary work, who A new leper colony has heen 0 sing v/ Den I place,power, knowledgeyes, my andfriends,knowledgefinancialiS formed in Samoa, an isolaten site -- ' -- power, intellectual power, social introduced Father Benedicb vice tweh, e miles from Apia having been DIPLOMAS AND MEDALS MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS DIS-/ president and rector of the college, the one at West Point chosen. The colony will be looked soc.°,nsidered one of the bst in after lay German Catholic mission v_nf.n, being equipped with all aries. .tl apparatus, having a place so a larg Zarl 'sk t fllndm:_, o bamS:ba  in a neighhorly consideration of r s others one should not overlook the these first two years the of the College was Rev. O'Hern who resigned that at the end of the term in It li Colony's tie was succeeded by Rev. a an A. Seagnoy who has held Pilg 'oitiotl of president for the last  Long rimage Years. The dormitory then Morris Hall was situated Catholics of Center Ridge Journey Cathedral on Seventh to St. Vincents for Solemn stana streets. The board- emg few this building at that was sUlcien t to accommodate • tire number. But as the name of the college grew, so StUdent body, and to ac- tmodate the ever increasing AWARDED AT FINAL EXER- CISES FRIDAY EVENING JUNE x3. LARGE CROWD PRESENT grace of conversation. To keep pleasant talk going is not stmqly a Number of Out of Town People At- fine are it is the mark of a benial tend Commencement. Fine and considerate nature. Celebration of Great Feast. Special to The Southern Guardian. St. Vincents, June x6.--The feast of Our Lady Of perpetual Suceour, the patron feast of our church and of our local branch of the German Address by Monsignor ,-,, Lucey, V.G. '\\;' \\; A large crowd was present at the commencement exercises at Annun- clarion Academy last night at which "time diplomas were presented to four 'graduates and prizes were awarded other students. An excellent musical TRIBUTED AMONG THE BOYS WHO HAD WON IN HONOR'S RACE. ADDRESSOF DR.ST OCKER Was Full of Sound Advice to , Graduates and Those Who Have i Not Finished College " Career. Special to The Southern Gnardian. Subiaeo, June x9.Attended by such a moderate number of visitors as the distance from a centre of population made one 'anticipate, the commencement exercises of Subiaco College .were held in usual style at power, moral power. \\;Vhcn I say knowledge is financial requesting him to deliver the address power, I do not mean to imply that of welcome. Father Benedict in his you have learned to bc alchemists eloquent address wdclt upon the and • are now able literally to turn the power of organization for good or • baser elements of earth into gold and 'bad, and particularly the power of an 'precious stones. But you have with Alumni Association for the good of (Continued On Page EishL} / New Honor For Mother Francis Recently Elected Gneral Head of Order Sisters of Mercy In State To Be At St. Mary's education, and the benefits of mem- bership. In conclusion he con- gratulated the assembly on the nohle purpose for which they had met. On motion of Father Edward, Father Benedict was elected temporary chairman and Father Paul temporary secretary. A committee of seven was then appointed for the purpose of drafting a constitution. It was further resolved to send a The many friends, not only in Lit- telegram of congratulation to Rt. Rev. Bishop Morris, for the double program added to the interest of the the college auditorium on Sunday exercises. Among the large number afternoon, June 15. ale Rock, but throughont the State, of the friends and patrons of the school who attended the closing ex- The award of medals which from will hear with much pleasure and anniversary of his ordination to the ercises were a number of people from the viewpoint of the students' inter- delight, that Mother Francis, who priesthood and elevation nto the ' other places, with several visiting eat, formed the acme of the program for'the East three years, has beenr in "episcopaCY;adjorned untilwhereupen3 P. m. the meeting charge o St, Joseph s Infirma y at priests, including' Rev. M. J. Norton was as follows: Announement was made that a of Students, a new dormitory •Catholic Staatsverband, was eelebrat- assistant to Monsg. J. M. Lucey, V. erected adjoining the first two ed yesterday here with the usual G. pastor of St. Joseph's parish; Rev. on Twenty-fifth and Gaines, solenmities. The members of the Father Albert, pastor of St. Peter's is known as Fitz- society appeared with their banner church, Pine Bluff, and Rev. Father and is an abiding and and badges and received Holy Corn- Matthew, O. S. B., pastor of Lake memorial to the kindness reunion. Village parish and missions. terosity of Bishop Morris. It ately fire Proof and equipped modern and up to date im- tements that insure the corn- and Safety to its occupants. fllt day of the completion of the School as grown and bounds :Ul).l, .now it • ,,... . most Successfully completed Rs year. rag the last five years the col- been fairly prominent in the world, havin- • baseball, and, football g who A novel feature of the feast, how- ever, was the pilgrimage of the Italian colony of St. Jonnarius church at Center Ridge to the shrine off Our "Lady of Perpetual Succour at St, Vincents. There had been isolated pilgrims frqpm Center Ridge coming beforet but this was 'tle first time in the history of both congregations that a pilgrimage rep- resentative of the whole Catholic The diplomas were presented the members of the graduating class by Monsg. J. M. Lueey, V. G., who made an interesting and instructive address 'to the class• The members of the class who have completed the aca- demic course are Leo Oziel Hark- hess, Maude Caroline Bryant, Selma 'Janette Martin and Annie Regina Martin. A medal for the completion of the colony of Center Ridge was at- musical course was given to Katie ranged, Boyee. Following the pious practice of the . The medal for attendance was • people of Morrilton and Atkins and drawn for teste a 1_ teams " aonorably and I1 by Leo Harkness, other schools 'i--" we with -, , u me state. Still, faithful to the traditions of .their "Josephine Hope, Effie Oaks, Gene- ttWays etOSed their seasons with own old country every Catholic Marie family of Center Ridge delegated 'vievc Harkness, Anna Roost, Emily equ:atl l Umber of defeats an d Ehemann Anna ball,teamme last sprm' g when one or several members 'to take part Katzenstein, Susie Schieker, Gene- of C- - - • under the leader- in the pilgrimage. " 'vieve Graham Dwight Smith, George iidawPtitJ°n8o, who has ,ust::t_lh!:elabtl :ti:::: The pilgrims left their homes Ehemann, Erva Kersey, William r : "' t" ['early, before daybreak, to cover the "Gaske, anc[ won by. Genevieve Gra- {lohg distance of sixteen miles of af i.ha m ' I rougt'stony road to come in time for [ The boarde rsi medal for ladylike, in allall t'ed-lC:' ten tgamesOne. Theand] tdgh mass at St. Vincent. ,At their.l.behavior was :Mrtwn for ;. Lillian watts the exception of[ (Co-t71ued on Fifth Page.) ] ' tConfinut'd On Page 'ilght. ' Leo Terbieten of Fort Smith was the proud winner of the Bishop Morris medal for excellence in Christian doctrine; Paul A. Fuhr- mann of Lindsay, Tex., was awarded the Abbot Conrad medal for uni- form good con.duct; Nicholas Eichen of Nazareth, Tex., carried away the Dr. Horan medal for best average in classical course; George A. Wil- liams of Poplar Grove, Ark., got the Mgr. Lucey medal for best average in commercial course; Leo Hays of ]Eufaulat Okla., obtained the Presi- dent Wright medal for best average in preparatory course; Bethold Knof of Muenster, Tex., gained the Senator Gray medal for best average in Christian doctrine contest; Domin;c Venters of Hartshorne, Okla., was the recipient of the Spencerian medal for excellence ifi penmanship. Six boys graduated from the com- mercial department and received the diploma and degree of master of accounts.' They werl Henry De- Hot Springs, has been selected to fill the office of Rev. Mother at Mr. St. Mary's Colleget Pulaski Heights. Mother Francis succeeds Mother Mary Antonia, who had presided for the past six years, and whose term of office expired the past week. Mother Francis is too well known to need any introduction to the pro- plc of this community. She comes cnt, viz., G. M. Elsken, J. J. Eckarti from one of the oldest and most sub- J. J. Morrison, Rev. W. J. Tynin, stantial families of the St, ate, who:J. Roelli,tl r B iFat, h during the early days of Catholicity [Gregory, "a , • • in Little Rock, were staunch andrSiebert , Fr. Benedict, D. Hays, Fr. strong supporters of the faith. She [Andrew, Yr. Boniface, W. J. Due.rr, EdaSrdStrlchfer?l;;splea:ted Ceha:en: nd [:ent A, FSrl.aAtnFf ,V..d;aRdohl7 jYlI. this city. "Vorster, Fr. Jerome, Win. Clark, D. In the fall of 87z she left home Venters, Fr. Stephen, W. Rogers, A, and family to devote her life to God Holland, M. MeDermott, F. Hasler, and the cause of religion, and en-'H. Duekworth, W. Lawder, G. A. telegram had been. received from Rt. Rev. Bishop, acknowledging con- "gratulation and sending his blessin for the new organization. (Prolong-. 'ed Applause). The report of the- committee on constitution was read and after serious discussion adopted! and ,signed by forty members lrea-- tered the Novitiate of the St. Mary's Convent, then located at 7th and Louisiana sts. Here she pe:severed in her reli- gious duties until two years later she became a professed Sister of Mercy, to be known in the future as Williams W. De Clerk, T. F. Me- 'Carthy, H. J. Elsken, P. Fuhrman, 'F. Wiese, L. Terbieten, A. Buergler and L. Sharum. A committee on resolutions and "another on nomination were next ap- ponted .by the chair. During the Clark of Pocahontas, Albert Holland Sister Mary Francis. She has since afternoon session at 3 o'clock the re of Pine Bluff, Charles McDermott that time divided her: energies be 'prt of committee on resolutions • was., submitted and unantmous Y ' of Little Rock, Walter Rogers of, tween Little Rock and. Hot Springs, ' ' • __' '! ' ' ' Jonesh0o, Dominic Centers of Okla- (Continued on Fifth Page.) (Continued on Fifth Page.) , ,, ,