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Newspaper Archive of
Arkansas Catholic
Little Rock, Arkansas
April 12, 1919     Arkansas Catholic
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April 12, 1919
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Knights of Columbus Society Activities LI&apos;VPLE ROCK COUNCIl, NO. 812. Official Notes: Anniversary day will be an event that will be remembcu'ed for many years. The class is growing to most satisfactory proportions, every com- mittee is active, and reports will be submitted at our meet'Ing next Tues- day :for your consideration. Things are not going to be done haphazard, a  it will be up to the individual member, the degree of success we at- tain. To have general co-operation we must first have a concensus of opin- ion so that the wishes of the ma- jority prevail, an(] it is at this meet- ing a decision will be reached. The attendance at this meeting will be the guage of our success aml on you ciepends the measure for our plans must be formed in conformity with amount of enthusiasm shown by our members. Invitations to all Coun- cils throughout the State have been issued, as well as adjacent Councils in-Texas, Tennessee and Louisiana, and judging from responses already to hmd a large number of visitors will be with us• We feel sure that you will take a pride in making this event worthy of the very best tradi- tion of our city and of our Council. How and What. Getting clown to particulars you may ask, how can you aid in making this event a success ? You (;an do it in many ways; by bringing in the ap- plication of some friend, by co-oper- ating with one of the several commit- tees, and last but most important, by your presence and advice next meet- ing. Fourth Degree. In our last issue we made mention of the Fourth Degree Class to be put on in Memphis. It has been set for Sunday, June ]st, and anyone wish- ing to make application can receive the necessary forms ;rod information from our Recorder, Harry W. Elliot( at the M. M. Cohn Co. There will be a Third Degree Class at Memphis Sunday, April 13th, which will be at- tended by a large number of our Lit- tle Rock Knights. By the way, this is the second class put through this year and it wouhl seem as if we are lagging on our membership campaign, we cannot afford this but as the first and leading Council of our Sta put No: 812 on the Roll of Honor in our Supreme Council. Condolence. It was with deep regret we learned of the death of Mrs. Ada Sullivan. In this great bereavement we extend to Bro. M. J. Sullivan and fmnily our most heartfelt sympathy. Meeting. Remember our meeting Tuesday. Be there. Bring some brother Knight along. See you)" friend and have his application with you. Our t'hpught for the week: Initiate effort for h|itiaiion Sue- cess Sunday April 27th. J M.P.M. GOOD FRIDAY. The Three ]lours. The movement for the reverent ob- selwance of Good Frida); is spread- ing rapidly throughout the country. Last year we called attention of our readers to the meaning of this great day. We urged that they use their influence to have the Three Hours obselwed in a befitting manner. It is not too soon to ask them to begin agitation for a spread of the good work. When the human race lost the frieudship of God by sin there cost4 € be but one Atonement. It demanded "1 Victim that would measure up to the God whom it wouhl appease. The Eternal Son offered Himself as the Victim. The Sacrifice was completed on the first Good Friday afternoon. When the sun was in the zenith of its glory He laid Himself on the Altar of the Cross. For three hours He hung in agony until the hour appointed by His Heavenly F-(her had struck. Then Chrlst died ant we might live. Good Friday cans everything to us. The infid, may not share our faith and the Jew )nay not sympa- Ithize with our love for this clay. Even those who do not believe that Jesus Christ is the true God recognize that He was the greatest Man that ever blessed the (arth-' by His presence. Both infidel and Jew gladly pay tri- bute to the sweet gospel of the gentle Christ• They recognize that tie gave a real "meaning to the Fatherhood of God just as He gave the first im- pulse to the brotherhood of man. ]f we are a Christian nation, if our civilization and institutions are built on Christian lines, our profession. ought to fine concrete expression. On no single clay of the yea)" do we stop in our ordinary pursuits in answer to the call of religion. It is not asking too much that our country give these three precious hours to the comme- moration of Him who gave His life for humanity. Our Catholic merchants ,should be the first to show the way. They should close their places of business during those three precious hours and Catholic people should ab- stain from all unnecessa)w work. If possible spend those hours in church. Many of the churches have the devo- tion of the Tre Ore. If we believe that Christ is our Friend we should not refuse to stay with Him during His death agony. BOOKS at THE BOOKERY. - I A Tomstone o Beauty always expresses to the passer-by the loving care with which it was ,selected. If you have an idea for such a memorial, we will carry it to the last detail in accordance with your desire. We are at your ser- vice for monumental work of any kind. No Agents--No Commission. Write for Catalog MONAHAN & SON 412-414 West Markham St. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. THE PRACTICAL THRIFT TEACHER You can talk to your children about thrift and the wimm of saving.  AIl this is very imprudent and of definite value. But if you wish to be oerLain that t&ey droll haw a mfical and continuoL leeeo in economy, ooeu mavinp aomts for the in their own names. Oln the acocunts in mlr Savings Department. We aeet deposits of $1.00 or more and pay four  cent int, cmnpmmded twice a year. Cld|dren can make their deposits themselves, watch Uir a<otmt grow and gradually acquire a knowledge o/ value of money whieh they cannot learn as w! in amy abr way. MERCANTILE TRUST CO. 121.123 We, t e¢ond St.. 'LITTLE ROCK THE GUARDIAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1919. "SAINT JOAN OF ARC, PRAY FOR US" Canonized at Rmne Last Sunday. The Sacred Congregation of Rites. presided over by the Holy Pointiff, Benedict XV, in the presence of a large number of cardinals, arch- bishops and the lower m-ders of the clergy, and before -t vast assembla'e of the people, proclaimed the canoni- zation of the French maiden, Joan of Arc, in St. Peter's at, Rome on Sun- day, April 6. Thus came to its ful- filhnent the deliberate process of in- quiry as to this daughter of the Church. chihl of I%ance aml liberatrix ef her nation, her life, her (leeds, her manctity, an inquiry which was taken up in Rome just fifty years ago at tim instance of Bishop Dupanloup of Or- leans. Nearly five hundred years ago this Maid of Orleans. Jeanne d'Arc, CAPT. FRANK J. GINOCCHIO. The great world war has brought out latent American force, skill and energy even beyond the expectations of t(; most optimistic, surprising the home folks and quitestaggering for- eign peoples. Here and there have come to the front, in all lines of in- dustrial and military pursuits, super- men m t were, who gave of their 4tlents anti effms to the successful issue of a moral exploitation of mast- erly human endeavor. Press reports have made us quite well acquainted with some of these genuises along the lines of stupemhlous enterprises, and while as heads they came within the limelig'ht'o]' lmblicity, they (lid not as a rule assume to themselves all the credit, but generally accredited their success to the eq-operation of their officers. This passing on of credit due, and appreciation of endeavors, cially, are studying German• In ,their opinion, a language that opens "the mind to a literature of highest value is a thing apart from interna- tional quarrels. Goethe, most bitter hater of Ho- henzollern Kais rism, is one of the four great writers of the world--- Homer, Dante and Shakdspeare the 'other three. To read Gothe in Ger- man opens a new door in the human brain. You do not hurt Germany or help your children by closing the door of knowledge. FOIl TIlE CATIIOLIC PRESS. Bishop McNieholas of Duluth in the first circular addressed to his clergy says: "It is a matter of regret that the Catholic press is not better support- ed, and that Catholics of the United Sial;as are not more interested gen- as she was called in French, Angli- cized to Joan of Arc, a mere child in years, ;is sotdicr and general marvel- ously led tim French army to vic- tory, drove the English from the soil of her beloved land and for awhile became the idol of the nation. Intri- gue and treachery on the part of po- litical enemies, unsupported by those who should have been her friends, and protectors, she fell' a victim of an insatiable persecution, which was finally satisfied with her death at the stake in the city of Rouen. France, in the year ]431, at the age of 19 years. Now her Church, for love of which, under heavenly inspiration she threw€ asid¢ all youthful fear and miadenly conventions, donned the warrior's vesvments and at the fore- front of her ocuntry's armies led them on to victory, gives her place among the elect, and in the com- munion of her saints, calls upon the faithful to look up to her, to propi- tiate her, with that endearing peti- tion, "St. Joan of Arc, Prqy for Us." e Church of the South ] tF LOUISIANA. New Orleans. On March 28th, the Convent of Mercy of the Sisters of Mercy cele- brated the fiftieth anniversary of their coming to New Orleans. Be- si(les the Sisters' excellent parochial nd academy school work, the Sisters have shown deep interest in the news- boys, from 1878, when there was a ino)-C, atholic organza.eros endeavor- ing to found such a club. and most of the boys were Catholic, until a few years ago when other hands continued their good work. From a rather di- lapidated house in Bank Alley, the newsboys home grew to tim( beauti- 'Yul, structure now occupied by the Catholic Women's Club, on Baronne street. Mass on this anniversary was celebrated in St. Alphonsus Church, where the first group of Sisters of Mercy attended religious exercises. Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving was of- fared, Rev. Father Giriwl, O. S. S. D., celebrant. His Grace, the Most Rev- erend Archbishop, presided. His Grace, the Most Reverend Arch- b3shop, presided at the profession of three novices in the Poor Clare Mon- astery. After the Mass, the novices presented themselves before His Grace and petitioned him to allow them to make their vows of religious profession. The b]ak veil, and the crown of thorns, which were confer- red upon the novices, were then bless- ,'ed. The Very Rev. Frances Hesse, O. F. M., who had preached the re- treat for the "Sisters, preached the sermon for the occasion. Algiers. ' The Very Rev. H. de la Chappelle, Provincial of the Marls( Congrega- tion in tle United States, recieved the profession of dtwo novices, and ad- mitted eight new members as novices 'into the Third Order of Mary, which is afflicted with the Marist Order. The" local Third Order now numbers sixty members. TEXAS. Wichita Falls. Sister M. Patricia, of the Congre- gation of St. Mary, celebrated at the Ac:idemy of Mary Immaculate , the has been brought home to us here in Little Rock, in the remarkable ad-]worht." \\;rancc.nlont of one of our young nlen [ from the office desk of a local arehi- I == teat to the important position ,)f as-[ sis(ant construction quarter-master ] with the rank of captain, U S A ] o Last Tuesday Captain Frank J. Gi- nocchio, after a hi'hly honored serv- ice. received his disch'n'ge from the army at Washington, D. C., ant re- turned to the parental home at 2206 Louisiana Street. this city. Captain Ginocghio is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ginocehio, born in Little Rock' and as boy and youth gave promise of holding the estimable re- pute of the Ginocchio family, for many years closely associated with Little Rock activities. His military career was interestingly followed by his many friends and with his retun to civilian life once more they are ex- pectant of Capt. Frank's continued SUCCESS• Cpt. l:rank. J. Ginocchin, U. S. A. Captain Ginocchio was for 12 years associated with Charles L. Thompson, architect, before entering the service, and is well known in Little Rock. tie served as supervising architect on the original construction of Calnp Pike, under Maj. John R. Fordyce of Little Rock, then construction quar- termaster at the camp, and later was transferred to St l,ouiswith the ms- "o*  ' " " " J  to the St. Lores Clothing Quar- termaster Depot, where he served in a similar capacity. On May 7, 1918, he received his commission a8 captain and was as- signed as assistant construction quar- termaster, under Major Fon]yee. On September 1, 1918, Captain Ginocchlo was transferred to Camp Pike as as- sistant eonstnxction quartermagter on e $2,000,000 Central Officers' Train- ing School addition, which later was abandoned when the armistice was signed. On March 24 last he was or- dered to Washington, where he re- mained until his discharge last Tues- day. GERMAN LANGUAGE. The Senate of Californials all torn up about the German language. A bill has passed by 29 to 7 for- ]aidding teaching German in the State and private schools of California. "Nothing is more beautiful tlmn talk lag lofty patriotism, BUT-- There is patriotism, and there common sense. California's wise law- *mkers may be interested to know gohlen jubilee of lmr religious profes-.'that the Allies are teaching THEIR stun on the feast of St. Patrick. See- t:hildren German. While Italy was enty-five years ago on this day Sister ] fighting Germany with bitterness, Patricia was born and baptized, aml and good cause f)r hate, the Italian fifty years ago on this day she pro- Ambassador in Washington wa nouneed her solemn vows of religion, t teaching his children Gemnan. Ital- At the solemn ttigh Maau a jubilee]tans do not imagine that they cat] sermon was preached by Rev. J. J, ,Dolje. At the excellent program rendered by the stadents, a smwice flag" of fifty gohten stars on a white 'field, and appended to it five golden hearts, was presented to the jubi- [arian. Make your money grow for you work for peace. Buy W. S. S. punish their enemies by depriving of 'knoledge their own children. Before the Francb-Prnssian war the French did not study foreign languages• French was enough. After the Franco-Pm]ssian war, when they were beaten, French boys studied German and English.. The fact that chey studied German did not keep them from winning the German war recently. The Japanese, with methods anti energy that interest California espe- Spend ' wisely, save sanely, invest safely. Buy W. S. S erally in the events of the CathoUc Both Phones 478. V. ROGOSKI GAS FI]'rING Practical Plambing, Hot Water and Steam Heating. Dealc¢ in Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Ituse, Pumps, Etc. DR. B. H. MERCItANT, V. S. Seventh and Broadway Strs. Treats Diseases of All Domesti- cated Animal All Calls Iromptly Attended to Day or Night. PAGE THREE FRANK L. BALMAT * ARKANSAS' LEAI)ING BARBlR Thirty Years Experience 118 Bath Rooms Louisiana St, Little Rock, Ark. DON'T TAKE CALOMEL Bond's Live Pills Are Better for Malaria| '['roubles, Headaches, Cohts, Indigestion, etc. One small pill at bedtime is the dose. 25c. All drug- gists. Refuse substitutes : - - - : 1t,4,4,,11,,I,4, H. T. Me}' .qLEY JEWEta,R Watches, Jewelry, Musical Goods, Watch and Jewelry Repairing. 706 Main St. Little Rock, Ark, i I llutmaa Kadaka Ivela, lg and ataktng. HEGAR TY DR UG CO. $$1 MAIN ST. Haley & Hornibrook Venttlatln00 and All Kinds of Roofln00 lillllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIII I IIIIlll IIIIII III III iii illlilllflflllllilflllllltillllilliiUl " Fall and Winter Clothing Especially desigved and tailored to meet the rtrnent o* , i thoe wke want totaled% style and quality. A complete line o the newest weave In Winter iabrie, a w,. rsauabl prizes. RING & CO. " TAILO8 AND CLOTHI]W$. " 105 W]IT blARII[II[AM SIT. NIIillllfllillllHIlilllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllll Ir IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllliltlliflllltla CENTRAL BANK " Capital Stock ........... $100,000 Surplus ............... 10,000 We are constantly adding new accounts and our business is increasing- at a very satisfactory rate. However, we shall be glad o have you with us. It s our inflexible rule not to impart information con- cerning the deposits of others. Efficient Service In Ice Deliveries THE success of any business depends upon smwice rendered, and the City Delivery Com- pany is no exception to the rule. We rve the citizens of Little Rock with an ice de- livery service that knows no superior in efficiency, promptness and courteousness. If you have any reason to feel that you are not get- ting the ice delivery service to which you are en- titled, we will consider it a favor if you will phone Main 3450 and give us an opportunity to correct it. City Delivery Co. W. R. Sanders, Manager. E. E. Johnson, Assistant Manager. 18-20 Arcade Bldg. Phone M 3450 r i