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Arkansas Catholic
Little Rock, Arkansas
March 1, 1963     Arkansas Catholic
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March 1, 1963
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er of Seven s Aid With Work i ! !By FATHER JOHN L. THOMAS, S.J. Professor of Sociology, : St. Louis University lnarried to one of your "good" Catholic men. He uses the house as a TV theatre. He wouldn't dream )fives and yet, now that I'm pregnant for the so disguested with me that he doesn't even talk. miss your Nocturnal Adoration and spends hours the children m while I put up storm windows and summer furniture. As far as disciplining those same 's up to Momma! Yes, I'm stuck with him--but let's aughters marry responsible, mature men--and I don't r go to church. Answer. this one. one" was answered a go by tile Master every man who , 'Lord, Lorcl,' will be he who does the will aer." it's not difficult why you're Jr- Your husband's con- but isn't your bias little when you im- Is what he is as the ag a "good" Cath- you will agree an find irresponsible husbands among s, J'ews. and the un- as well as among Since no religious ims that it includes among its members, being illogical in Church for your objectionable con- Words, as Our Lord out time and again a ay meticulously fulfill detail of reli- Ctice yet experience Conversion and corn- the very essence Which is love of God The strongest Will find in the whole were used by in condemning such hyPocrites," "whiten- filled with dead ld so forth. These persons were a thousand years kind have plagued fed of the Church's are still with us if you analyze the 'our anger, you will 'our real quarrel is Church but with hypocrisy of some mrs. What you are is why there Such a gap between observance of speci- devotions and Christian What good does to church" if one the obligations of life? More particu. of church is it its members not to yet appar- to train them to be Partners and pax- tions focus on a in Christian Source of which we separate areas. the perennial religion as a set of be- :) ts, and pmus prac- hose are accepted our salvation is pharasaical ap. such a persistent ause it enables us to of religion defined exter- es which we can ful- less mechanically having to face up demands of our OT EASY to live as of Christ, for this lrlVolves an uneud- against our inher- s if we are grow in love of Thus the avoid this inner is "conversion of concentrating on ctices and dove- more than an religion, though it appearance of per- related to the first. This is the failure of religious teachers-- parents, instructors, and spirit- ual directorsmto make explicit the basic law of Christian liv- inglove of God and neighbor and to spell out clearly its practical implications. As Plus XII reminded us, the perfection of Christian life consists pri- marily in ardent, attentive, and operative charitythis is the essence of the Gospel message. Prayers, devotions, and exter- nal pious practices are only means to this end, not substi- tutes for it. Moreover, since operative charity implies actions, the practice of charity consists in the faithful fulfillment of all the duties of one's state in life. These obligations are primary; there can be no substitute for their fulfilhnent. I THINK THESE two sources, namely, the lmman tendency to substitute external pious prac- tice for inner self-conquest, and the failure of religious teachers to make clear and explicit the practical implications of the Gospel commandments to love, go far toward explaining the puzzling gap between religious observance and Christian con- duct indicated in your remarks. You, and many like you in the past, have been scandalized and turned from Christ by the pious hypocrisy of those who use religion as a cloak for their spiritual sloth or malice. I can well understand your feelings, Cora, but you also would be making light of the truth if you rejected Christ because of tim petty failure of some of His followers. AROUND (Continued from Page 8) summer wedding is planned. Jacksonville--Forty-two couples attended a Cana Conference on parent-child relationships last Sunday in the chapel an- nex at the Little Rock Air Force Base, then attended Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and publicly renew- ed their marriage vows. The conference was conduct- ed by The Rev. James F. Drane and The Rev. David A. Boileau of the faculty of St. John's Home Missions Semi- nary, Little Rock. Chaplain Captain Jeremiah Rodell of- ficiated at Benediction and the renewal of vows. N. Little Rock--Bowlers of the Catholic Junior Bowling Lea- gue who have not yet received their uniform shirts may get them next Sunday afternoon during league play at Pike Lanes. League officers are See AROUND on Page 10 CITY CAFE OPEN DAY & NIGHT Mrs. Mildred Hedtrich, Owner Phone WA 3.6391 Stuttgart Arkansas CONE DRUGS source is closely St. Bartholomew's Sets Spelling Bee Little Rock--St. Bartholomew School will sponsor a spelling contest for Grades One tlirough Nine next Friday, March 8, at 7 P.M. at the Dunbar Commun- ity Center. Schools participating will be: Capital Hill, Carver, Gibbs on 16tll and Cross, Gibbs on Ringo and Wright, Dunbar Junior High, Rightscll, St. Bartholo- mew, Jones High School of North 1Attle Rock, Good Shep- herd School of Conway, and Stephens School of Little Rock. The callers, judges, and time keeper will be teachers from Shorter College, North Little Rock. Winners will be awarded spelling certificates. The pro- gram will be open to the public. Osceola Says Thanks To Guardian Dear Editor:- Father Raymond L. O'Dwyer and the parishioners of St. Mat- thew's church in Osceola are extremely grateful to you and your staff for the generous amount of promotion you gave our recent benefit party. The presentation of advertising in your paper was a big factor in our preeeeds which amounted to $1,331.14. Again may I express our ap- preciation of the space devoted to our chm'eh and our en- deavors. Betsy Weidrick, Secretary St. Matthew's Altar Society Osceola, Ark. Osceola Plans Regional Day Of Recollection Oseeola -- A Day of Recol- lection for women of northeast Arkansas will be held at St. Matthew's Church here Sun- day, March 10, from 10 A.M. until 5 P.M., and advance reg- istrations are being sought. Reservations are to be made next week with either Mrs. Warren R. Wcidrick or Mrs. James S. Williams. Out-of-town residents are being asked to make reservations by mail with Mrs. Weidrick, 705 Wash- ington Ave., Osceola, Ark. How- ever, visitors may register be- tween 9 and 9:45 A.M., preced- ing the Recollection Day Mass. The Rev. Leo A. Reidnmeller of Catholic High School, Little Rock, will be the spiritual di- rector. The day will open with Mass, offered by Father Reid- mueller, after which he will conduct conferences and medi- tations designed especially for women. The day will close with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Dinner will be served at the Town and Country Restaurant, and coffee and doughnuts will be served after Mass. Mrs. Robert H. Holthouse and Mrs. J. T. Polk will be chairmen of the hospitality committee. A registration fee of $2.25 will be charged to cover the Those who seek the best in pets go to Fin & Feather Pet Shop The finest in pets, pet food, and pet supplies 303 Center St. Little Rock FR 4-1919 "Your Money Buys More in s REAL Drug Store" 26th & Cherry Pine Bluff, Ark 4520 Dollarway Rd. i i REGULATIONS on EAST and ABSTINENCE Diocese of little Rock 1963 To foster the spirit of penance and of reparation for sin, to encourage self-denial and mortification, and to guide her children in the footsteps of Our Divine Savior, Holy Mother Church imposes by law the observance of fast and abstinence. In accordance with the provisions of Canon Law, as modified through the use of special faculties granted by the Holy See, we herewith publish the following regulations: ON ABSTINENCE Everyone over 7 years of age is bound to observe the law of abstinence. , Complete abstinence is to be observed on Fridays, Ash Wed- nesday and the Vigils of the Immaculate Conception and Christmas. On days of complete abstinence meat and soup or gravy made from meat may not be used at all. Partial abstinence is to be observed on Ember Wednesdays and Saturdays and on the Vigil of Pentecost. On days of par- tial abstinence meat and soup or gravy made from meat may be taken only ONCE a day at the principal meal.  ON FAST Everyone over 21 and under 59 years of age is alsor bound to observe the law of fast. The days of fast are the weekdays of Lent, including Holy Saturday, Ember Days and the Vigils of Pentecost, the Im- maculate Conception and Christmas. On days of fast only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one's needs; but together they should not equal another full meal. Meat may be taken at the principal meal on a day of fast except on Fridays, Aslt Wednesday and the Vigils of the Immaculate Conception and Christmas. Eating between meals is not permitted but ,liquids, including milk and fruit juices, are allowed .... When health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige. In doubt concerning fast or abstin, once, a parish priest or confessor should be consulted. ; V/e earnestly exhort the faithful during the periods of fast and abstinence to attend daily Mass; to receive Holy Communion often; to take part more frequently in exercises of piety; to give generously to works of religion arid charity; to perform acts of kindness toward the sick, the aged and the poor; to practice voluntary self,denial especially regarding alcoholic drink and worldly amusements; and to pray more fervently, particularly for the intentions of the Holy Father. EASTER DUTY The time for performing the Easter Duty commences with the first Sunday in Lent and extends to Trinity Sunday both inclusive. N.B. By reason of special faculties, His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, grants herewith the following dispensa- tions: from the Law of Fast on the Feast of St. Joseph, Tues- day, March 19; from the Law of Abstinence on Friday, No- vember 29, (day after Thanksgiving) and from the Laws of Fast and Abstinence on Saturday, December 7, Vigil of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. By virtue of a special favor granted by the Holy See, the fast and complete abstinence required on the Vigil of Christmas may be anticipated on December 23. New Convent Los Angeles, (E)--The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet have returned to their hilltop convent at Mt. St. Mary's Col- cost of the meals and other expenses. Those who register beforetmnd may mail the fee to Mrs. Weidrick. U.S. Government Inspected Est. No. 499 • BEEF • VEAL • PORK PURE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT PRODUCTS Since 1893 Phone LOcust 5-1535 Little Rock, Ark. logo. They left it 15 months ago when it was destroyed by a fire that burned 400 homes in the hills and canyons below. Ill DON'T NEGLECT Your Child's Instrumental Music Lessons! . . . See Rosen Music Company for Private Lessons on. • Accordian • Guitar • Trumpet • Clarinet • Saxophone • Oboe • Flute • Drums Arkansas' Largest & Most Complete Band Instrument Repair Dept. Rosen Music Co. Little Rock 716 Main - FR 5-7377